Examining row data

The Data Explorer feature in OpsCenter is in the process of being deprecated in favor of DataStax DevCenter, a visual CQL tool.

Note: The Data Explorer feature in OpsCenter is in the process of being deprecated in favor of DataStax DevCenter, a visual CQL tool. You can find more information about DevCenter and a link to download at https://www.datastax.com/what-we-offer/products-services/devcenter.

To zoom in on a particular row:


  1. Assuming the events_timeline column family is still selected from browsing a database, type the key for a row in the Key text entry box.
    For example, type the row key timeline_start. If you set up a secondary index on the column family, the Key menu lists key choices.
  2. Click the search icon.
    The columns and values of the row appear.