Creating a keyspace

Follow these steps to add a keyspace to a cluster. Optionally, you can also create a column family for the keyspace.

To add a keyspace to a cluster:


  1. Click Data in the left navigation pane, then Add under Keyspaces.
  2. Give the keyspace a name. Keyspace names should not contain spaces or special characters or exceed the filename size limit of your operating system (for example, 255 bytes on most Linux file systems). Keyspace names are case sensitive.
  3. Set the replica placement strategy. The replica placement strategy (along with the cluster-configured snitch) determines how replicas are placed on nodes throughout the cluster. Select one of the following built-in replica placement strategies:
    1. SimpleStrategy: (Default) Single datacenter, rack-unaware replica placement.
    2. NetworkTopologyStrategy: (Recommended) Single or multiple datacenters, rack-aware replica placement.
    3. OldNetworkTopologyStrategy: (Deprecated) Two datacenters only, rack-aware replica placement.
  4. Enter how many total copies that you want of your keyspace data in the replication factor field. The NetworkTopologyStrategy requires configuring replicas per datacenter. The datacenter name should match the datacenter name used by the cluster-configured snitch. Make sure to name the datacenter(s) correctly according to the snitch configuration.
  5. If you do not want to start defining column families within the new keyspace right away, uncheck the I would like to create a Column Family check box.
  6. Click Save Keyspace.