Adding an Amazon S3 backup location

Add an Amazon S3 backup location.

Add an Amazon S3 backup location. For more details, see backing up to Amazon S3.


  • Java 7 or later is required to store at an S3 location.
  • Make sure you have the proper AWS IAM privileges.
Important: The Backup Service requires control over the data and structure of its destination locations. The AWS S3 bucket and the Local file system destinations must be dedicated for use only by OpsCenter. Any additional directories or files in those destinations can prevent the Backup Service from properly conducting a Backup or Restore operation.


  1. Access the Create (or Edit) Backup dialog:
    1. Click cluster name > Services.
    2. Click the Configure link for the Backup Service.
    3. In the Activity tab, click Create Backup.
  2. In the Create or Edit Backup dialog, click +Add Location.
    The Add Location dialog appears.

  3. Select Amazon S3 in Location.
  4. Enter the S3 Bucket name.
    The bucket name must be at least 4 characters long. Bucket names should only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. See the S3 guidelines for more details about bucket naming restrictions.
  5. Enter your AWS key and AWS Secret.
  6. Indicate how long the snapshot data should be saved by selecting a Retention Policy. Retain All (default) saves the snapshot data indefinitely. Or, define a set period of time. After the snapshot data is older than the time set in Retention Policy, the snapshot data is deleted.
  7. Optional: Select any throttling, compressing, or encryption of the data:
    1. To avoid saturating your network, set a maximum upload rate. Select Throttle transfer rate and set the maximum MB per second.
    2. To compress the backup data, select Enable compression. Compression reduces the amount of data going through your network and reduces the disk and data usage but increases the CPU load for the server.
    3. To enable server-side S3 encryption (SSE-S3), select Enable S3 server-side encryption. Server-side encryption encrypts each file in the backup set with a unique key, as well as the key itself, using a 256-bit AES cypher. The key is encrypted with a master key that is regularly rotated. Enabling server-side encryption increases the security of your backup files, but increases the time it takes to complete a backup. For more information on S3 server-side encryption, see
  8. Click Save Location.
    The newly added S3 location displays in the Location pane of the Create or Edit Backup dialog.

    Click the edit icon to the edit a location. Click the delete icon to delete a location.

  9. Click Save Backup, or Create Backup as applicable.