DataStax and open-source API documentation

Welcome developers. Here are links to API docs for DataStax and related open-source projects.

APIs Reference

  • Use the DataStax DevOps v2 API for a variety of tasks: create, terminate, resize, park, unpark your databases. Other tasks include exporting metrics, Bring Your Own Key (association with Customer Managed Key from AWS or Google Cloud), and setting up Private Link endpoints.

  • Use the Stargate Document API to modify and query data stored as unstructured JSON documents in collections. Because the Document API uses schemaless data, no data modeling is required.

  • Use the Stargate REST API to expose CRUD access to data stored in Cassandra tables.

DataStax Drivers for Cassandra, DSE, Astra DB

You can use the same DataStax driver for Apache Cassandra® (OSS), DataStax Enterprise, and DataStax Astra DB. DataStax has unified the DSE and OSS drivers to avoid user confusion and enhance the OSS drivers with some of the features in the DSE drivers. For more information, see the Better Drivers for Cassandra blog from January 2020.

Cassandra + DSE Drivers

Because each DSE Driver is designed as a complimentary wrapper of the respective DataStax core driver for open-source Apache Cassandra®, many underlying concepts in the DSE Drivers are the same.

Driver Description

C/C++ Driver API docs

Apache Cassandra plus specific features for DSE

C# Driver API docs

Apache Cassandra plus specific features for DSE

C# DSE Graph Extension API docs

Adds functionality for interacting with DSE graph features using Apache TinkerPop Gremlin.Net, Apache TinkerPop

Java Driver API docs

Apache Cassandra plus the DSE Graph Extension.

Node.js Driver API docs API docs

Apache Cassandra plus specific features for DSE

Node.js DSE Graph Extension API docs

Adds functionality for interacting with DSE graph features using Apache TinkerPop Gremlin.Net, Apache TinkerPop

Python Driver API docs

Apache Cassandra plus specific features for DSE

Python DSE Graph Extension API docs

Adds functionality for interacting with DSE graph features using Apache TinkerPop Gremlin.Net, Apache TinkerPop

Maintenance Mode Drivers

Maintenance Mode Drivers
Driver Description

Supported by DataStax, but only critical bug fixes will be included in new versions.

PHP Driver API docs

Apache Cassandra plus specific extensions for DSE.

Ruby Driver API docs

Apache Cassandra plus specific extensions for DSE.

DataStax Spark Cassandra Connector API

The DataStax Spark Cassandra Connector API lets you expose tables as Spark Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), write Spark RDDs to tables, and execute arbitrary CQL queries in your Spark applications.


The DseGraphFrame framework (6.8 | 6.7 | 6.0| 5.1) allows you create applications that use the Spark API for analytics operations on DSE Graph. It is inspired by the Databricks GraphFrame library and supports a subset of the Gremlin graph traversal language. You can read DSE Graph data into a GraphFrame and write GraphFrame objects from any format supported by Spark into DSE Graph.

DSE OpsCenter API

The DSE OpsCenter API ( 6.8 | 6.7 | 6.5 | 6.1) facilitates the development of websites and programs to retrieve data and perform DataStax Enterprise administrative actions. The OpsCenter API provides the ability to make RESTful requests for programmatically performing the same set of operations as the OpsCenter GUI.

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