Pass Kafka Connector settings directly to the DataStax Java driver

Pass Kafka Connector settings to DataStax Java driver.

In your DataStax Apache Kafka Connector configuration file, you can directly pass settings to the DataStax Java driver by using the datastax-java-driver prefix. For example:

Mapping Kafka Connector settings to Java driver properties

The following table identifies functionally equivalent DataStax Apache Kafka Connector and DataStax Java driver settings.
Note: If you define both in your configuration, the Kafka Connector setting take precedence over the If you do not provide either in your configuration, Kafka Connector defaults are in effect.

For information about the Java properties, refer to the DataStax Java driver documentation. For information about the Kafka Connector settings, refer to DataStax connection.

Table 1. Functionally equivalent Kafka Connector and Java driver settings
DataStax Apache Kafka Connector setting Using datastax-java-driver prefix
loadBalancing.localDc datastax-java-driver.basic.load-balancing-policy.local-datacenter
queryExecutionTimeout datastax-java-driver.basic.request.timeout
connectionPoolLocalSize datastax-java-driver.advanced.connection.pool.local.size
compression datastax-java-driver.advanced.protocol.compression
metricsHighestLatency datastax-java-driver.advanced.metrics.session.cql-requests.highest-latency

There is a difference between the Kafka Connector's contactPoints setting and the Java driver's For contactPoints, the value of the port is appended to every host provided by this setting. For, you must provide the fully qualified contact points (host:port).

By passing in the Java driver's setting, this option gives you more configuration flexibility because you can specify a different port for each host. Example: =,

Conversion of Java driver properties of type List to TypeSafe Config

The following properties that are of type List, which you could pass into the driver from your Kafka Connector configuration via the datastax-java-driver prefix, are converted by the DataStax Java driver to the TypeSafe Config format.
  • datastax-java-driver.advanced.ssl-engine-factory.cipher-suites
  • datastax-java-driver.advanced.metrics.node.enabled
  • datastax-java-driver.advanced.metadata.schema.refreshed-keyspaces
  • datastax-java-driver.advanced.metrics.session.enabled
The conversion by the Java driver will split the comma-separated values provided in those setting to create indexed properties. For example, if you passed in datastax-java-driver.advanced.metrics.session.enabled=a,b, the entry is converted to:
For more information, refer to the Java driver reference configuration topic.