Interpreting the output of cassandra-stress

About the output from the running tests.

Each line reports data for the interval between the last elapsed time and current elapsed time, which is set by the --progress-interval option (default 10 seconds).

Data Description
total Total number of operations since the start of the test.
interval_op_rate Number of operations per second performed during the interval.
interval_key_rate Number of keys/rows read or written per second during the interval (normally be the same as interval_op_rate unless doing range slices).
latency Average latency in milliseconds for each operation during that interval.
95th 95% of the time the latency was less than the number displayed in the column (Cassandra 1.2 or later).
99th 99% of the time the latency was less than the number displayed in the column (Cassandra 1.2 or later).
elapsed Number of seconds elapsed since the beginning of the test.