Example: Use a CQL composite partition key

Example steps to create a CQL table, and then create an external table in Hive that maps to the CQL table.

This example creates an external table in Hive using a SERDE property and declares a single key in all cases followed by the number of column declarations that match the number of columns in the CQL table. Query the CQL table from Hive.

To create a hive table that maps to a CQL table having a composite partition key:


  1. Add a table that uses a composite partition key to the cql3ks keyspace created earlier.
    cql3ks> CREATE TABLE event_table (
              key ascii, factor float, event_type text, event_date timestamp,
              event_id timeuuid, num_responses varint,
              PRIMARY KEY ((key, event_id), num_responses)
  2. Insert data into the table.
    cql3ks> INSERT INTO event_table (
              key, factor, event_type, event_date, event_id, num_responses)
              VALUES ('KeyOne', 3.14, 'Q3-launch', '2014-09-03',
              f078d660-1961-11e3-8ffd-0800200c9a66, 1000000
  3. Create the external table in Hive.
    hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE mapped_table(
            key string, factor float, event_type string,
            event_date timestamp, event_id binary, num_responses binary)
            STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.cql3.CqlStorageHandler'
            WITH SERDEPROPERTIES( "cassandra.ks.name" = "cql3ks",
            "cassandra.cf.name" = "event_table",
            "cassandra.cql3.type" = "ascii, float, text, timestamp, timeuuid, varint"
  4. Trigger a MapReduce job to query the table in Hive.
    hive> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mapped_table;

    The output is:

    Total MapReduce jobs = 1
    Launching Job 1 out of 1
    . . .
    MapReduce Jobs Launched:
    Job 0: Map: 2  Reduce: 1   HDFS Read: 0 HDFS Write: 0 SUCCESS
    Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 0 msec
    Time taken: 39.929 seconds