Configuring the Solr type mapping version

The Solr type mapping version defines how Solr types are mapped to Cassandra Thrift or Cassandra types.

The Solr type mapping version plays an important role in these situations:
  • Upgrading
  • Creating CQL 3 search applications

By default, the CQL-backed Solr core in DataStax Enterprise 3.1 and later requires version 1 type mapping. The CQL-backed Solr core in DataStax Enterprise 3.0.x required legacy type mapping, which is version 0. If you upgrade from 3.0.x to 3.1, you need to maintain the version 0 setting to preserve your data that is mapped to legacy types. Switching between the versions after adding data is not supported. Attempting to load a solrconfig with a different dseTypeMappingVersion configuration and reloading the Solr core causes an error.

DataStax Enterprise 3.2 introduces version 2 type mapping for use with CQL 3 applications. CQL 3-backed Solr cores require a new type mapping version--2. If a lower version is configured, DataStax Enterprise forces the configuration to 2 when creating the Solr core for CQL 3-stored data.

To change the type mapping, configure dseTypeMappingVersion in the Solr config:

Set the value to 1 or 0 to enable one of the other versions.