Creating or altering CQL data from Hive

Use a Hive external table to create or alter CQL data from Hive. A counterpart to the Hive database/external table must pre-exist in Cassandra as an keyspace/table.

You need to use a Hive external table to create or alter CQL data from Hive. First, you map a Hive database to a Cassandra keyspace by using the keyspace name in the table properties of the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE definition. Optionally, if your Hive database and Cassandra keyspace use different names, you can declare keyspace properties in your external table definition using the TBLPROPERTIES clause. The keyspace and table must pre-exist in Cassandra.

SimpleStrategy keyspace example

        ( m string , n string , o string , p string ) 
        STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.cql3.CqlStorageHandler' 
        TBLPROPERTIES ( "" = "MyCassandraKS" , 
          "" = "mycasstable" , 
          "cassandra.ks.repfactor" = "2" , 
          "cassandra.ks.strategy" = 
            "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy" );

NetworkToplogyStrategy keyspace example

To create a Hive database that maps to an existing keyspace that uses the NetworkTopologyStrategy replication strategy, use the cassandra.ks.stratOptions property to define the replication factors for data centers:

        (m string, n string, o string, p string)
        STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.cql3.CqlStorageHandler'
        TBLPROPERTIES ( "" = "MyCassandraKS",
          "" = "mycasstable",
          "cassandra.ks.stratOptions" = "DC1:1, DC2:2, DC3:1",
          "cassandra.ks.strategy" =

To create the table in a single node cluster, use:

 "cassandra.ks.stratOptions" = "Analytics:1",

Next, you can use a Hive client and custom storage handlers to access data in the Cassandra tables. After modifying data in Hive, you can store changes back to Cassandra using the CQL 3 storage handler: org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.cql3.CqlStorageHandler.

A CQL table can use a simple CQL primary key, a compound primary key, or composite partition key. The way you access data in a CQL table from Hive is the same regardless of the type of key used by the CQL table.

To use Hive with legacy tables, such as those created using Thrift or the CLI, see DataStax Enterprise 3.0 documentation.

Hive to Cassandra type mapping

To create Hive tables, you need to understand how data types in Cassandra map to Hive data types. This table shows CQL, Cassandra internal storage engine (used by legacy tables), and Hive data type mapping:
CQL 3 Cassandra Internal Hive
ascii AsciiType string
bigint LongType bigint
boolean BooleanType boolean
counter CounterColumnType bigint
decimal DecimalType binary
double DoubleType double
float FloatType float
inet InetAddressType binary
int Int32Type int
text/varchar UTF8Type string
timestamp DateType timestamp
timeuuid TimeUUIDType binary
uuid UUIDType binary
varint IntegerType binary
other other binary

The InetAddressType stores the raw IP address in network byte order.


In an external table definition, the TBLPROPERTIES clause specifies CassandraFS and MapReduce properties for the table. The SERDEPROPERTIES clause specifies the properties used when serializing/deserializing data passed between the Hive table and Cassandra. You can add a WITH SERDEPROPERTIES clause to map meaningful column names in Hive to the Cassandra partition key, column names, and column values. You can change these properties on the fly. Using the Hive SET command, you can configure properties in the hive session. The settings become effective for the next query.

The following table lists properties used in the TBLPROPERTIES or SERDEPROPERTIES clause or both. The Type column lists how to declare properties in the table definition, as a TBLPROPERTIES (TBL), a SERDEPROPERTIES (SERDE) or both.

Property Used in Hive Clause Description both Cassandra table name
cassandra.columns.mapping both Mapping of Hive to legacy Cassandra columns
cassandra.consistency.level both Consistency level - default ONE
cassandra.cql3.type both CQL types both IP of a Cassandra node to connect to
cassandra.input.split.size both MapReduce split size both Cassandra keyspace name
cassandra.ks.repfactor both Cassandra replication factor
cassandra.ks.strategy both Replication strategy class
cassandra.ks.stratOptions both Strategy options SERDE Fetch tables with many columns by page size
cassandra.partitioner both Partitioner (default = configured partitioner)
cassandra.port both Cassandra RPC port - default 9160
cql3.output.query TBL A prepared stagement for storing alterations to a CQL users table
cql3.pushdown.enable TBL True (default) enable pushdown predicate

When you create an external table in Hive, you need to specify these properties:

  • cassandra.ks.repfactor (if SimpleStrategy is used)
  • cassandra.ks.strategy
  • cassandra.ks.stratOptions (if NetworkTopologyStrategy is used)
  • cql3.output.query


The cassandra.input.split.size property configures the number of rows processed per mapper (64k rows per split). The default is 64 * 1024

Partitioner use by Hive

You do not need to specify cassandra.partitioner. Your configured partitioner is used by Hive. For example, Hive uses this property value if you use the Cassandra 1.2 default partitioner:

"cassandra.partitioner" = "org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner"

The "Creating or altering CQL data from Hive" and "MapReduce performance" sections show examples of using some of these properties.

Accessing tables with many columns

In the TBLPROPERTIES clause, set the to fetch a table with many columns at once by page size.