Installing DataStax Enterprise on RHEL-based systems

Install DataStax Enterprise and OpsCenter using Yum repositories on RHEL-based systems.

Note: To install on SUSE, use the binary tarball installation.

For a complete list of supported platforms, see DataStax Enterprise Supported Platforms.


  • Yum Package Management application installed.
  • Root or sudo access to the install machine.
  • Latest version of Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 or 7. See Installing the Oracle JRE.
  • Java Native Access (JNA) is required for production installations. See Installing the JNA.
  • If installing on a 64-bit Oracle Linux distribution, first install the 32-bit versions of glibc libraries.
  • If installing OpsCenter on a RHEL 5.x/CentOS 5.x machine, make sure that the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) are installed. See Installing EPEL on CentOS 5.x or RHEL 5.x.
  • If you using an older RHEL-based Linux distribution, such as CentOS-5, you may need to replace the Snappy compression/decompression library; see the Release Notes.
  • Some RedHat-compatible distributions do not contain the Linux Standard Base Core module (redhat-lsb-core) by default. If your distribution does not have this package, you must install it.

Also see Recommended production settings.

The packaged releases create a cassandra user. When starting DataStax Enterprise as a service, the Cassandra and Hadoop tracker services run as this user. The service initialization script is located in /etc/init.d/dse. Run levels are not set by the package.


These steps install DataStax Enterprise. After installing, you must configure and start DataStax Enterprise.

In a terminal window:

  1. Check which version of Java is installed:
    $ java -version
    Use the latest version of Oracle Java 6 or 7 on all nodes.
  2. Add a DataStax Yum repository file called /etc/yum.repos.d/datastax.repo
    name = DataStax Repo for DataStax Enterprise
    where username and password are the credentials you created on the registration page.
  3. Install DataStax Enterprise:
    $ sudo yum -y install dse-full-version-1

    For example:

    $ sudo yum -y install dse-full-3.2.7-1 

    dse-full installs DataStax Enterprise and the DataStax Agent.

    dse-full opscenter installs DataStax Enterprise, DataStax Agent, and OpsCenter (Optional)

    Removing the datastax-agent package also removes the DataStax Enterprise package.

  4. Comment out the following option from the /etc/dse/cassandra/ file:
    JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Denable-old-dse-state=true"


DataStax Enterprise is ready for configuration.

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