Solr support for CQL 3

Supported and unsupported DSE Search and Solr features.

DSE Search/Solr in DataStax Enterprise 3.2 and later supports CQL 3, including collections.

The following changes related to CQL 3 support are:
  • Mapping of CQL collections
    • Collection list and set: multi-valued field
    • Collection maps: dynamic field
  • CQL 3-backed Solr cores require a new type mapping version 2.
  • A CQL 3 table must be created in Cassandra before creating the Solr core.
  • The schema corresponding to a CQL 3 table using a compound primary key requires a special syntax.

Unsupported features

DSE Search does not support:
  • Cassandra composite partition keys
  • Cassandra compound primary keys for COMPACT STORAGE tables
  • Cassandra super columns
  • Cassandra counter columns
  • Cassandra timeseries rows
  • Solr schema fields that are both dynamic and multivalued for CQL 3-backed Solr cores (only)
  • The replaceFields request parameters on document updates for CQL3-backed Solr cores
  • Non-string/non-numeric types, such as dates, booleans, used as the unique key in the Solr schema.xml
  • Block joins based on the Lucene BlockJoinQuery
  • The SolrCloud CloudSolrServer feature of SolrJ for endpoint discovery and round-robin load balancing