Managing the consistency level

Configure how up-to-date and synchronized a row of data is on all of its replicas.

Consistency refers to how up-to-date and synchronized a row of data is on all of its replicas. Like Cassandra, DSE-Search extends Solr by adding an HTTP parameter, cl, that you can send with Solr data to tune consistency. The format of the URL is:
curl "http://host:port/solr/keyspace.table/update?cl=ONE"

The cl parameter specifies the consistency level of the write in Cassandra on the client side. The default consistency level is QUORUM. To globally change the default on the server side, use Cassandra’s drivers and client libraries.

Setting the consistency level using SolrJ

SolrJ does not allow setting the consistency level parameter using a Solr update request. To set the consistency level parameter:
HttpSolrServer httpSolrServer = new HttpSolrServer ( url );
httpSolrServer . getInvariantParams (). add ( "cl" , "ALL" );