Keyspace wizards

Wizards for generating valid CQL statements that create, edit, or clone a new keyspace in a cluster.

DataStax DevCenter is compatible with DataStax Enterprise (DSE) versions up to 5.0.

The New Keyspace and the associated Edit Keyspace and Clone Keyspace wizards generate valid CQL statements that create, edit, or clone a new keyspace in the specified cluster.

New Keyspace wizard 

To display the New Keyspace wizard:
  • select the File > New > Keyspace menu item
  • right-click in the schema navigator and select New Keyspace
  • press the key shortcut ⌥⇧+⌘+K(Mac OS X) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K (Linux / Windows)
Navigate between panels using the Previous and Next buttons. A Last button also skips from the current panel to the Summary panel, if you won't be editing any fields on those panels.

The first panel (Basic Settings) of the New Keyspace wizard displays. There are two panes on this panel: one that displays keyspace settings and allows editing of them, and a CQL Preview pane that displays the CQL statement for creating the keyspace generated from the values in the first pane.

The editable fields are:
choose an existing connection or create a new one
Keyspace name
type in a valid keyspace name (invalid names are noted in red)
Replication strategy
which data replication strategy class (SimpleStrategy single data center or NetworkTopologyStrategy multiple datacenters) to use; the strategy determines where replicas are placed
  • Replication factor: which replication factor to use; the factor is the number of replicas across the cluster
Durable writes
by setting this property, data written to the keyspace bypasses the commit logs

After selecting Next, the second panel (Summary) of the New Keyspace wizard displays.

The editable fields are:
  • Whether to execute the generated statement(s) using the current connection or not
  • Whether to insert the generated statement(s) into
    • a new CQL editor pane
    • an existing CQL editor pane

Both panels have an uneditable CQL preview pane showing the CQL statement to be generated according to the current values of the wizard's editable fields.

Edit Keyspace wizard 

The Edit Keyspace and Clone Keyspace wizards have the same GUI panels as the New Keyspace wizard, but they load the constituent data in the fields so you can edit or clone a keyspace.

Note: If one of the system keyspace nodes (system, system_auth, system_distributed, etc.) is selected, then only the New Keyspace is available in the contextual menu, because it is not recommended to change this keyspaces.

Export Keyspace wizard 

The Export Keyspace wizard consists of a single Summary panel that allows you to export the data-definition language that creates a keyspace. You access the Export Keyspace wizard by right-clicking on a keyspace in the Schema Navigator. The wizard contains a CQL preview panel for you to review the CQL being generated that recreates the keyspace.

The following keyspace objects are exported:
  • User-defined type
  • Table
  • Index
  • Materialized view
  • Functions
  • Aggregates

You can select whether to import the CQL into an existing query editor or to create a new one.