Table wizards

The Table wizard generates a valid CQL statement that creates a new table in the specified keyspace.

DataStax DevCenter is compatible with DataStax Enterprise (DSE) versions up to 5.0.

The New Table and the associated Edit Table and Clone Table wizards generate valid CQL statements that create, edit, or clone a new UDT in the specified cluster.

New Table wizard 

The New Table wizard consists of five panels:
  • Basic Settings
  • Primary Key Settings
  • Advanced Settings
  • Compaction
  • Summary
Navigate between panels using the Previous and Next buttons. A Last button also skips from the current panel to the Summary panel, if you won't be editing any fields on those panels.
To display the New Table wizard:
  • select the File > New > Table menu item
  • right-click in the schema navigator and select New Table
  • press the key shortcut ⌥⇧+⌘+T(Mac OS X) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T (Linux / Windows)
The first panel (Basic Settings) of the New Table wizard displays. There are four panes on this panel that display editable table settings and a CQL Preview pane that displays the CQL statement for creating the table generated from the values in the preceding three panes.
The editable fields are:
choose an existing connection or create a new one
choose an existing keyspace or create a new one
Table name
type in a valid table name (invalid names are noted in red)
add, remove, or move up or down a column
add or edit a comment property for the table

After selecting Next, the second panel (Primary Key Settings) of the New Table wizard displays.

The panel allows you to define the primary key structure for the table. They can be simple or compound. The editable fields are:
Available columns
displays the available columns
Partition keys
displays the partition key for the table (which determines the node on which the data is stored)
Clustering columns
displays the clustering columns for the table

After selecting Next, the final panel (Advanced Settings) of the New Table wizard displays.

The editable fields are:
Table options
Compact storage
whether to store data so as to conserve disk space
Read repair chance
the basis for invoking read repairs on reads in clusters (a value between 0 and 1)
DC-local read repair chance
the probability of read repairs being invoked over all replicas in the current datacenter
Bloom filter FP chance
the desired false-positive probability for SSTable Bloom filters
Default time to live
the default expiration time in seconds for a table. Used in MapReduce scenarios when you have no control of TTL
GC grace seconds
specifies the time to wait before garbage collecting tombstones (deletion markers). The default value allows a great deal of time for consistency to be achieved prior to deletion. In many deployments this interval can be reduced, and in a single-node cluster it can be safely set to zero.
Minimum index interval
The minimum value to control the sampling of entries from the partition index, configure the sample frequency of the partition summary by changing these properties
Maximum index interval
The maximum value to control the sampling of entries from the partition index, configure the sample frequency of the partition summary by changing these properties
Memtable flush period
Forces flushing of the memtable after the specified time in milliseconds elapses
Speculative retry
overrides normal read timeout when read_repair_chance is not 1.0, sending another request to read
SSTable compression
the compression to use (LZ4, Snappy, Default, or None)
Chunk length
size of block used by compression scheme
CRC check chance
the probability with which checksums are checked during read
Reset properties above to their default values
See more details above table properties and their default here

After selecting Next, the Compaction panel of the New Table wizard displays.

The editable fields are:
sets the compaction strategy class to use
  • Enabled
  • Tombstone threshold
  • Tombstone compaction interval
  • Unchecked tombstone compaction
  • Min threshold
  • Max threshold
  • Min SSTable size
  • Bucket low
  • Bucket high
  • Cold reads to omit
Rows per partition
number of CQL rows, NONE, or ALL
Reset properties above to their default values.
See more details above table properties and their default here

After selecting Next, the final Summary panel of the New Table wizard displays.

The editable fields are:
  • Execute the generated statement(s) using connection Cassandra 3.0
  • Insert the generated statements into:
    • a new CQL editor
    • an existing CQL editor

Table wizards 

The Edit Table and Clone Table wizards have the same GUI panels as the New Table wizard, but they load the constituent data in the fields so you can edit or clone a table.