Multiple data center deployment

A deployment scenario with a mixed workload cluster has more than one data center for each type of node.

In this scenario, a mixed workload cluster has more than one data center for each type of node. For example, if the cluster has 4 Hadoop nodes, 4 Cassandra nodes, and 2 Solr nodes, the cluster could have 5 data centers: 2 data centers for Hadoop nodes, 2 data centers for Cassandra nodes, and 1 data center for Solr nodes. A single data center cluster has only 1 data center for each type of node

In multiple data center deployments, data replication can be distributed across multiple, geographically dispersed data centers; between different physical racks in a data center; or between public cloud providers and on-premise managed data centers. Data replicates across the data centers automatically and transparently. No ETL work is necessary to move data between different systems or servers. You can configure the number of copies in each data center and Cassandra handles the rest, replicating the data for you. For more information about replication:

To configure a single data center cluster, see Single data center deployment.


To configure a multi-node cluster with multiple data centers:

  • DataStax Enterprise is installed on each node.
  • Choose a name for the cluster.
  • For a mixed-workload cluster, determine the purpose of each node.
  • Get the IP address of each node.
  • Determine which nodes are seed nodes. (Seed nodes provide the means for all the nodes to find each other and learn the topology of the ring.)
  • Develop a naming convention for each data center and rack, for example: DC1, DC2 or 100, 200 and RAC1, RAC2 or R101, R102.
  • Other possible configuration settings are described in the cassandra.yaml configuration file.
  • Set virtual nodes correctly for the type of data center. DataStax recommends using virtual nodes only on data centers running Cassandra real-time workloads. See Virtual nodes.


This configuration example describes installing a 6 node cluster spanning 2 data centers. The default consistency level is QUORUM.

  1. Suppose you install DataStax Enterprise on these nodes:
    • node0 (seed1)
    • node1
    • node2
    • node3 (seed2)
    • node4
    • node5
  2. If the nodes are behind a firewall, open the required ports for internal/external communication. See Configuring firewall port access.
  3. If DataStax Enterprise is running, stop the nodes and clear the data:
    • Packaged installs:
      $ sudo service dse stop
      $ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/* ## Clears the data from the  default directories
    • Tarball installs:

      From the install directory:

      $ sudo bin/dse cassandra-stop
      $ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/* ## Clears the data from the default directories
      Note: If you are clearing data from an AMI installation for restart, you need to preserve the log files.
  4. Set the properties in the cassandra.yaml file for each node.
    Important: After making any changes in the cassandra.yaml file, you must restart the node for the changes to take effect.
    • Packaged installs: /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
    • Tarball installs: install_location/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml

    Properties to set:

    Note: If the nodes in the cluster are identical in terms of disk layout, shared libraries, and so on, you can use the same copy of the cassandra.yaml file on all of them.
    • num_tokens: 256 for Cassandra nodes
    • num_tokens: 1 for Hadoop and Solr nodes
    • -seeds: internal_IP_address of each seed node
    • listen_address: empty

      If not set, Cassandra asks the system for the local address, the one associated with its hostname. In some cases Cassandra doesn't produce the correct address and you must specify the listen_address.

    • auto_bootstrap: false (Add this setting only when initializing a fresh cluster with no data.)
    • If you are using a cassandra.yaml from a previous version, remove the following options, as they are no longer supported by DataStax Enterprise:
      ## Replication strategy to use for the auth keyspace.
      auth_replication_strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
          replication_factor: 1


    You must include at least one seed node from each data center. It is a best practice to have more than one seed node per data center.

    cluster_name: 'MyDemoCluster'
    num_tokens: 256
      - class_name: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider
             - seeds: ","
  5. If necessary, change the dse.yaml file on each node to specify the snitch to be delegated by the DseDelegateSnitch. For more information about snitches, see the About Snitches.
    • Packaged installs: /etc/dse/dse.yaml
    • Tarball installs: install_location/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml

    Example of specifying the PropertyFileSnitch:

    delegated_snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch
  6. In the file, use your naming convention to assign data center and rack names to the IP addresses of each node, and assign a default data center name and rack name for unknown nodes.
    • Packaged installs: /etc/dse/cassandra/
    • Tarball installs: install_location


    # Cassandra Node IP=Data Center:Rack
    # default for unknown nodes
  7. After you have installed and configured DataStax Enterprise on all nodes, start the seed nodes one at a time, and then start the rest of the nodes:
    Note: If the node has restarted because of automatic restart, you must stop the node and clear the data directories, as described above.
  8. Check that your cluster is up and running:
    • Packaged installs: $ nodetool status
    • Tarball installs: $ install_location/bin/nodetool status


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