Starting DataStax Enterprise as a service

Starting the DataStax Enterprise service when DataStax Enterprise was installed from a package.

Packaged installations provide startup scripts in /etc/init.d for starting DSE as a service.

For mixed-workload clusters for Cassandra-only nodes, skip step 1.


  1. Edit the /etc/default/dse file, and then edit the appropriate line to this file, depending on the type of node you want:
    • HADOOP_ENABLED=1 - Designates the node as DataStax Enterprise analytics and starts the Hadoop Job Tracker and Task Tracker services.
    • SOLR_ENABLED=1 - Starts the node as DSE Enterprise Search/Solr node.
    Note: DataStax does not support using the SOLR_ENABLED and HADOOP_ENABLED options to designate the same node for both search and Hadoop analytics.
  2. Start the DataStax Enterprise service and agent:
    $ sudo service dse start
    $ sudo service datastax-agent start
  3. To check if your cluster is up and running:
    $ nodetool status
    On RHEL and CentOS, the DSE service runs as a Java process. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, the DSE service runs as a jsvc process.

What's next

Verify DataStax Enterprise is running