Changing the location of the password database

This section describes how to set a different location of the password databased used for authentication.

The password database is created when authentication is enabled. The default location of the password database is /etc/opscenter/passwd.db for package installs and install_location/conf/passwd.db for tarball installs. You can change the location of the password database in the opscenterd.conf file.


The location of the opscenterd.conf file depends on the type of installation:

Location Package Installer (GUI or text mode) Tarball
Service No-service
/etc/opscenter/opscenterd.conf X X    
install_location/conf/opscenterd.conf     X X


  1. Edit the opscenterd.conf file and change the location of the password database.

    Set passwd_db to the new location in the [authentication] section.

    passwd_db = path to new password database
    Note: If you have already enabled authentication, copy the existing passwd.db file to the new location. If you do not, OpsCenter will create a new password database in the specified location when it is started, and your existing users and roles will be lost.
  2. Restart OpsCenter:
    • Package installations:
      $ sudo service opscenterd restart
    • Tarball installations:
      Find the OpsCenter process ID (pid), kill the process using its PID number, and then start the OpsCenter:
      $ ps -ef | grep opscenter
      $ sudo kill pid

      install_location/bin/opscenter (Use -f to start in the foreground.)

    • Windows installations:

      Restart the OpsCenter Service from the Control Panel.