Browsing a Cassandra database

To browse a Cassandra database


  1. Click Data in the left hand pane, then click the Explorer tab.
    A drop-down list of keyspaces in the cluster appears. By default, the list includes the OpsCenter keyspace, which contains column families of data in the cluster.
  2. Select one of the keyspaces. For example, click the OpsCenter keyspace.
    The list of column families appears.
  3. Click a column family. For example, click events_timeline and expand the OpsCenter console window, so you can see more values.
    A row keys, columns, and data values of the events_timeline column family appear in tabular format. You may notice that some data values are hex-encoded, not human-readable values, and other values are perfectly readable. Internally, Cassandra stores row key names, column names and column values as hex byte arrays. If possible, OpsCenter converts data to text you can read.
  4. Click the heading row of the table to see the sort control (the arrow on the right). Toggle the sort control to sort the rows in ascending or descending order.
  5. To browse through the data, use the scroll bar or click Next to page through the data.