Creating and editing performance graphs

How to add and edit performance graphs.

Graphs can be added containing multiple metrics provided the metrics use the same unit. For example, a graph can contain multiple metrics showing utilization as a percentage, like CPU and disk utilization. Other metrics like write or read requests for a cluster or the operating system load for a node cannot be added to the utilization graph. Metrics can be added to a graph for a cluster or one or more nodes.

There are also three widgets that display information on Alerts, Cluster Health, and Storage Capacity.


  1. Click Dashboard in the left pane.
  2. Click Add Graph.
  3. In the Add Metric dialog, select the metric you want to add from the Metric drop down, then the nodes you want to monitor in the Nodes drop down. To select multiple individual nodes, first select a node, then click in the Node drop down again to select an additional node. You can optionally specify particular column families by clicking the Col. Family selector.

  4. Click Add Metric.
  5. To add additional metrics that are measured using the same unit, click Add Metric in the Metrics On This Graph dialog. You may edit the details of a metric by clicking the Edit icon, or delete a metric by clicking the Trash icon.

  6. When you are done, click Save Graph to display the graph showing the defined metrics.
  7. You can edit the metrics displayed in a graph by clicking the drop-down on the upper right then Edit Graph next to the graph's title.

  8. To enable or disable the Alerts, Cluster Health, and Storage Capacity widgets click Add Widget.