DataStax Enterprise 6.8.54 third-party software
Component | Version | License [1] |
Agrona |
0.9.26 |
Airline - IO Library |
2.2.0, 2.7.0 |
Airline - Library |
2.2.0, 2.7.0 |
Alfredo | |
An open source Java toolkit for Amazon S3 |
0.9.4 |
ANTLR 3 Tool |
3.5.2 |
Antlr 3.4 Runtime |
3.5.2 |
ANTLR 4 Runtime |
4.7.1, 4.9.3 |
ANTLR ST4 4.0.4 |
4.0.8 |
AOP alliance |
1.0 |
Public-Domain |
Apache Ant + ANTLR |
1.10.9 |
Apache Ant + JUnit |
1.10.9 |
Apache Ant Core |
1.10.9 |
Apache Ant Launcher |
1.10.9 |
Apache Avro |
1.11.4 |
Apache Avro IPC |
1.11.4 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils |
1.9.4 |
Apache Commons CLI |
1.3.1 |
Apache Commons Codec |
1.15 |
Apache Commons Collections |
4.2, 4.4 |
Apache Commons Compress |
1.26.2 |
Apache Commons Configuration |
1.10 |
Apache Commons IO |
2.11.0 |
Apache Commons Lang |
3.12.0 |
Apache Commons Text |
1.10.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API |
1.0.0, 1.0.3 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 BER |
1.0.0, 1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Client API |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Codec Core |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Codec Standalone |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Extras ACI |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Extras Codec |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Extras Codec API |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Extras Stored Procedures |
1.0.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Extras Trigger |
1.0.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Extras Util |
1.0.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API I18n |
1.0.0, 1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Model |
1.0.0, 1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Network MINA |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Schema Data |
1.0.3 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities |
1.0.0, 1.0.3 |
Apache Groovy |
2.5.14 |
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java |
1.42.2 |
Apache HttpClient |
4.5.13, 4.5.14 |
Apache Log4j API |
2.17.2 |
Apache Log4j Core |
2.17.2 |
Apache MINA Core |
2.0.27 |
Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: ANTRL |
2.7.7_5 |
Apache Thrift |
0.9.3, 0.9.3-1 |
Apache Tika core |
1.28.5 |
Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Core |
3.2.2 |
Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Shaded |
3.2.2 |
Apache Velocity - Engine |
2.3 |
ApacheDS AdministrativePoint Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Authentication Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Authorization Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS ChangeLog Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Collective Attribute Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core Annotations |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core API |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core AVL |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core Constants |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core Integration |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core JNDI |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Core Shared |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS DirectoryService-WebApp bridge |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Event Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Exception Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Generalized (X) DBM Partition |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS I18n |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Interceptor to increment numeric attributes |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Interceptors for Kerberos |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS JDBM Original Implementation |
2.0.0-M3 |
ApacheDS JDBM Partition |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Jetty HTTP Server Integration |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Journal Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS LDIF Partition |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Mavibot Partition |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS MVCC BTree implementation |
1.0.0-M8 |
ApacheDS Normalization Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Operational Attribute Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Password Hashing Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Protocol Dhcp |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Protocol Dns |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Protocol Ldap |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Protocol Ntp |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Protocol Shared |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Referral Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Schema Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
Apacheds Server Annotations |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Server Config |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Service Builder |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Subtree Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Test Framework |
2.0.0-M24 |
ApacheDS Triggers Interceptor |
2.0.0-M24 |
API Common |
2.2.1 |
ASM Analysis |
6.2.1, 7.0 |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart |
2.5.0 |
ASM Commons |
6.2.1, 7.0 |
ASM Core |
6.2.1, 7.0, 9.3 |
ASM Tree |
6.2.1, 7.0 |
AssertJ fluent assertions |
3.24.2 |
asyncutil |
0.1.0 |
Auto Common Libraries |
1.0 |
AutoFactory |
1.0.1 |
AutoService |
1.0 |
AutoValue |
1.5, 1.5.1 |
AutoValue Annotations |
1.9 |
Awaitility |
3.1.6 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 |
1.12.774 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS |
1.12.774 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS |
1.12.774 |
AWS SDK for Java - BOM |
1.12.774 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core |
1.12.774 |
base64 |
2.3.8 |
Public-Domain |
Bean Validation API |
1.1.0.Final |
Bouncy Castle ASN.1 Extension and Utility APIs |
1.78.1 |
Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs |
1.78.1 |
Bouncy Castle Provider |
1.78.1 |
btf |
1.3 |
Builder |
2.8.3 |
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) |
1.9.7 |
Byte Buddy Java agent |
1.9.7 |
Caffeine cache |
2.6.2 |
Checker Qual |
2.5.3, 3.33.0, 3.8.0 |
ClassGraph |
4.6.32 |
ClassMate |
1.5.1 |
cli |
0.9 |
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20220705-2.0.0 |
v1-rev20220705-2.0.0 |
Code Generation Library |
3.1, 3.2.9 |
Commons Collections |
3.2.2 |
Commons Compiler |
3.0.0 |
Commons Lang |
2.6 |
Commons Math |
3.2, 3.6.1 |
Commons Pool |
1.6 |
compiler |
0.9.6 |
Compiler Bridge |
1.3.0 |
Compiler Interface |
1.3.0 |
Concurrent-Trees |
2.4.0 |
config |
1.3.1 |
core |
1.1.1, 2.3.2 |
Cryptsoft KMIP |
2.0.1m |
Commercial license agreement with Cryptsoft |
Dagger |
2.26 |
Dagger Compiler |
2.26 |
Dagger Production Graphs |
2.26 |
Dagger SPI |
2.26 |
Disruptor Framework |
3.4.2 |
dnsjava |
3.6.2 |
durian |
3.4.0 |
EasyMock |
3.3.1 |
Eclipse Compiler for Java™ |
3.15.1 |
Elephant Bird Hadoop Compatibility |
4.3 |
error-prone annotations |
2.18.0, 2.5.1 |
Esri Geometry API for Java |
2.2.4 |
fastparse |
0.4.2 |
fastparse-utils |
0.4.2 |
Fastutil |
6.5.7 |
file-tree-views |
2.1.3 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java |
0.104.2, 2.19.2 |
Generator |
2.8.3 |
Google APIs Client Library for Java |
2.0.0 |
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java |
1.42.2 |
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials |
1.11.0 |
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP |
1.11.0 |
Google Cloud Core |
2.8.20 |
Google Cloud Core HTTP |
2.8.20 |
Google Cloud NIO |
0.124.16 |
Google Cloud Platform Supported Libraries |
26.1.3 |
Google Cloud Storage |
2.13.0 |
Google Guice - Core Library |
4.0 |
Google Guice - Extensions - AssistedInject |
4.0 |
Google Guice - Extensions - MultiBindings |
4.0 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java |
1.42.2 |
Google Java Format |
1.5 |
Google OAuth Client Library for Java |
1.34.1 |
GPars |
1.2.1 |
gremlin-scala | |
Gson |
2.9.1 |
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java |
1.42.2 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures |
1.0.1 |
Guava Maven Parent |
32.1.2-jre |
Guava Testing Library |
31.1-jre |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java |
30.1.1-jre, 32.1.2-jre |
Hamcrest Core |
1.3 |
Hamcrest library |
1.3 |
Hazelcast |
5.3.2 |
HdrHistogram |
2.1.10 |
Hibernate Validator Engine |
6.2.5.Final |
Hotspot compile command annotations |
1.2.0 |
HPPC Collections |
0.7.3 |
HttpCore |
4.4.13, 4.4.15, 4.4.16 |
IntelliJ IDEA Annotations |
13.0 |
IO |
1.3.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-context |
1.49.2 |
J2ObjC Annotations |
1.3, 2.8 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java |
1.42.2 |
Jackson BOM |
2.15.4, 2.17.2 |
Jackson datatype: Guava |
2.15.4 |
Jackson datatype: JDK8 |
2.15.4 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 |
2.15.4 |
Jackson Integration for metrics |
3.2.6 |
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) |
2.15.4 |
Jackson-annotations |
2.15.4 |
Jackson-core |
2.15.4 |
jackson-coreutils |
2.0 |
jackson-databind |
2.15.4 |
jackson-dataformat-cbor |
2.17.2 |
jackson-dataformat-msgpack |
0.8.16 |
jackson-dataformat-xml |
2.15.4 |
jackson-dataformat-yaml |
2.15.4 |
Jackson-JAXRS: base |
2.15.4 |
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON |
2.15.4 |
jackson-module-scala |
2.15.4 |
JaCoCo :: Agent |
0.8.2 |
JaCoCo :: Ant |
0.8.2 |
JaCoCo :: Core |
0.8.2 |
JaCoCo :: Report |
0.8.2 |
Jakarta Activation API jar |
1.2.2 |
EDL-1.0 |
Jakarta Bean Validation API |
2.0.2 |
Jakarta XML Binding API |
2.3.3 |
EDL-1.0 |
Janino |
3.0.0 |
Jansi |
1.11 |
Java Agent for Memory Measurements |
0.3.3 |
Java Architecture for XML Binding 2.3 |
1.0.1.Final |
Java Concurrency Tools Core Library |
2.1.2 |
Java Native Access |
4.5.0, 5.11.0 |
Java Native Access Platform |
4.5.0, 5.11.0 |
Java Servlet API |
3.1.0 |
Java UUID Generator |
3.1.3 |
java-xmlbuilder |
1.3 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework |
1.2.1 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) |
1.1.1 |
JavaMail API |
1.6.2 |
JavaPoet |
1.13.0 |
Javassist |
3.22.0-GA, 3.24.0-GA, 3.28.0-GA |
JavaTuples |
1.2 |
Javax Annotation API |
1.3.2 |
Javax Transaction API |
1.3 |
javax.inject |
1 |
| |
2.1.1 |
JAXB API bundle for GlassFish V3 |
2.3.0 |
jbool_expressions |
1.14 |
JBoss Jakarta Annotations API |
2.0.1.Final |
JBoss Jakarta Servlet |
2.0.0.Final |
jboss-jakarta-jaxrs-api_spec |
2.0.1.Final |
jcabi-log |
0.14 |
jcabi-manifests |
1.1 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License |
1.0-1 |
JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J |
1.7.36 |
JCommander |
1.82 |
Jetty :: Aggregate :: All core Jetty |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: ALPN :: Client |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Asynchronous HTTP Client |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Continuation |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Deployers |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Http Utility |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: HTTP2 :: Client |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: HTTP2 :: Common |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: HTTP2 :: HPACK |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: HTTP2 :: Server |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: IO Utility |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: JASPI Security |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: JMX Management |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: JNDI Naming |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Plus |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Quick Start |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Rewrite Handler |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Security |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Server Core |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Servlet Annotations |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Servlet Handling |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Utilities |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Utilities :: Ajax(JSON) |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Webapp Application Support |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Websocket :: API |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Websocket :: Client |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Websocket :: Common |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Websocket :: javax.websocket :: Client Implementation |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Websocket :: javax.websocket.server :: Server Implementation |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Websocket :: Server |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: Websocket :: Servlet Interface |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty :: XML utilities |
9.4.56.v20240826 |
Jetty Orbit :: Activation |
1.1.0.v201105071233 |
Jetty Orbit :: Glassfish Mail |
1.4.1.v201005082020 |
Jetty Orbit :: JASPI API |
1.0.0.v201108011116 |
JLine |
2.14.6 |
JMES Path Query library |
1.12.774 |
Joda convert |
1.2, 1.8.1 |
Joda-Time |
2.9.3 |
JOpt Simple |
4.6 |
Journal.IO |
1.4.2 |
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) |
20240205 |
Public-Domain |
JSON Small and Fast Parser |
2.5.0 |
JSON Unit Core |
2.0.1 |
JSON Unit Fluent |
2.0.1 |
json-patch |
1.13 |
JSON.simple |
1.1 |
json4s-ast |
3.5.3 |
json4s-core |
3.5.3 |
json4s-ext |
3.5.3 |
json4s-native |
3.5.3 |
json4s-scalap |
3.5.3 |
JSR-250 Common Annotations for the Java™ Platform |
1.0 |
Jsr166y |
1.7.0 |
JTS Core |
1.16.0 |
EDL-1.0 |
JUL to SLF4J bridge |
1.7.36 |
JUnit |
4.13.2 |
JUnit Jupiter API |
5.4.2 |
JUnit Jupiter Engine |
5.4.2 |
JUnit Platform Commons |
1.4.2 |
JUnit Platform Engine API |
1.4.2 |
JUnit Platform Launcher |
1.4.2 |
JUnit Toolbox |
2.2 |
JUnitBenchmarks |
0.7.0 |
JUnitParams |
1.0.6 |
JVM Attach API |
1.4 |
JVM Integration for Metrics |
3.2.6 |
Jython |
2.7.1 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 |
1.8.21 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 |
1.8.21 |
Kryo |
3.0.3, 4.0.2 |
Kryo serializers |
0.37 |
Launcher Interface |
1.0.0 |
Lenses |
0.4.12 |
Log4j Implemented Over SLF4J |
1.7.36 |
Logback Classic Module |
1.2.13 |
Logback Core Module |
1.2.13 |
Lucene Core |
7.5.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash |
1.4.1 |
Macros | |
Metrics Core |
3.2.6 |
Metrics Core Library |
2.2.0 |
Metrics Health Checks |
3.2.6 |
Metrics Integration for Logback |
3.2.6 |
Metrics reporter config 3.x |
3.0.3 |
Metrics reporter config base |
3.0.3 |
metrics-scala |
3.5.6 |
MicroProfile Config API |
2.0 |
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage |
12.28.0 |
Microsoft Azure client library for Identity |
1.13.3 |
Microsoft Azure common module for Storage |
12.27.0 |
Microsoft Azure internal Avro module for Storage |
12.13.0 |
Microsoft Azure Java Core Library |
1.52.0 |
Microsoft Azure Java JSON Library |
1.3.0 |
Microsoft Azure Java XML Library |
1.1.0 |
Microsoft Azure OkHttp HTTP Client Library |
1.12.3 |
MinLog |
1.3.0 |
Mobility-RPC |
1.2.1 |
mockito-core |
3.0.0 |
mockito-inline |
3.0.0 |
1.17.1 |
MSAL4J Persistence Extension |
1.3.0 |
msg-simple |
1.2 |
msgpack-core |
0.8.16 |
Mxdump |
0.10.1 |
net.ltgt.gradle.incap:incap |
0.2 |
Nimbus Content Type |
2.3 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT |
9.40 |
Nimbus LangTag |
1.7 |
Ning-compress-LZF |
1.0.3 |
Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM |
3.4.38 |
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions |
11.18 |
Objenesis |
2.1, 2.5.1, 2.6 |
OHC core |
0.7.0 |
OkHttp |
4.12.0 |
Okio |
3.9.0 |
OpenCensus |
0.31.1 |
org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api |
1.0.0 |
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib |
1.3.50, 1.9.21 |
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common |
1.3.50 |
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-metadata-jvm |
0.1.0 |
org.opentest4j:opentest4j |
1.1.1 |
ParaNamer Core |
2.8 |
Parser |
0.10.4 |
Picocli - a mighty tiny Command Line Interface |
4.3.2, 4.6.2 |
proto-google-common-protos |
2.9.6 |
proto-google-iam-v1 |
1.6.2 |
Protocol Buffer Java API |
3.0.0-beta-1, 3.16.3, 3.21.7 |
Protocol Buffers [Util] |
3.21.7 |
psjava |
0.1.19 |
Py4J |
0.10.7 |
QDox |
1.12.1 |
QuickTheories |
0.26 |
RandomizedTesting Randomized Runner |
2.1.2 |
reactive-streams |
1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.4 |
ReflectASM |
1.10.1, 1.11.3 |
Reflections |
0.10.2 |
reload4j |
1.2.25 |
RESTEasy Jackson 2 Provider |
4.6.0.Final |
RESTEasy JAX-RS Client |
4.6.0.Final |
RESTEasy JAX-RS Client API |
4.6.0.Final |
RESTEasy JAX-RS Core |
4.6.0.Final |
4.6.0.Final |
RESTEasy Netty 4 Integration |
4.6.0.Final |
RoaringBitmap |
0.7.45 |
RxJava |
1.3.6, 2.2.7 |
rxjava-string |
1.1.1 |
rxjava2-extensions |
0.20.5 |
RxScala |
0.26.5 |
Saxon-HE |
10.6 |
SBinary |
0.4.4 |
Scala Compiler |
2.11.12, 2.12.8 |
Scala Library |
2.11.12, 2.12.8 |
scala-async |
0.9.6 |
new-BSD |
scala-logging |
3.5.0 |
scala-parser-combinators |
1.0.6, 1.1.2 |
scala-xml |
1.0.5, 1.0.6 |
scalapb-runtime |
0.6.0 |
ScalaTest |
2.2.6 |
Scopt |
3.7.0 |
Serial |
2.8.3 |
shaded-scalajson |
1.0.0-M4 |
Shims |
0.7.45 |
1.6.4 |
0.10.1 |
SJK Core |
0.10.1 |
SJK Hflame |
0.10.1 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
SJK Stacktrace |
0.10.1 |
SJson New Core |
0.8.3 |
SJson New ScalaJson |
0.8.3 |
SLF4J API Module |
1.7.36 |
SmallRye Common: Annotations |
1.5.0 |
SmallRye Common: Classloader |
1.5.0 |
SmallRye Common: Constraints |
1.5.0 |
SmallRye Common: Expressions |
1.5.0 |
SmallRye Common: Functions |
1.5.0 |
SmallRye: Common classes |
2.0.1 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile Config CDI Implementation |
2.0.1 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile Config Core Implementation |
2.0.1 |
SnakeYAML |
2.0 |
Snappy for Java |, |
snowball-stemmer | |
Sourcecode |
0.1.3 |
Spotify DNS wrapper library |
3.3.2 |
spray-json |
1.3.5 |
Stax2 API |
4.2.1 |
stream-lib |
2.7.0 |
StreamEx |
0.6.5 |
swagger-annotations |
2.0.8 |
swagger-core |
2.0.8 |
swagger-integration |
2.0.8 |
swagger-jaxrs2 |
2.0.8 |
swagger-models |
2.0.8 |
TestNG |
6.13.1 |
The Multiverse Code (so API and implementation) |
0.7.0 |
ThreeTen backport |
1.6.2 |
Tomcat Annotations API |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat API |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat EL API |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Embed Core |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Embed EL |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Embed Jasper |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Jasper |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Jasper EL |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat JSP API |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat JULI |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Servlet API |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Utilities |
8.5.100 |
Tomcat Utilities Scan |
8.5.100 |
Util Control |
1.3.0 |
Util Interface |
1.3.0 |
Util Logging |
1.3.0 |
Util Relation |
1.3.0 |
Value |
2.8.3 |
Value Annotations |
2.8.3 |
Value Processor |
2.8.3 |
WebSocket client API |
1.0 |
WebSocket server API |
1.0 |
WikiText :: Core |
1.3 |
WikiText :: Textile :: Core |
1.3 |
Woodstox |
6.4.0 |
XZ for Java |
1.9 |
Public-Domain |
Zinc |
1.3.0 |
Zinc ApiInfo |
1.3.0 |
Zinc Classfile |
1.3.0 |
Zinc Classpath |
1.3.0 |
Zinc Compile Core |
1.3.0 |
Zinc Core |
1.3.0 |
Zinc Persist |
1.3.0 |
zstd-jni |
1.5.5-5 |