Preparing server certificates

Generating SSL certificates for client-to-node encryption or node-to-node encryption.

If you generate the certificates for one type of encryption, you do not need to generate them again for the other: the same certificates are used for both.

All nodes must have all the relevant SSL certificates on all nodes. A keystore contains private keys. The truststore contains SSL certificates for each node and doesn't require signing by a trusted and recognized public certification authority.


  1. Generate the private and public key pair for the nodes of the cluster leaving the key password the same as the keystore password:
    keytool -genkey -alias <cassandra_node0> -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore
  2. Repeat the previous step on each node using a different alias for each one.
  3. Export the public part of the certificate to a separate file and copy these certificates to all other nodes.
    keytool -export -alias cassandra -file cassandranode0.cer -keystore .keystore
  4. Add the certificate of each node to the truststore of each node, so nodes can verify the identity of other nodes.
    keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias <cassandra_node0> -file <cassandra_node0>.cer -keystore .truststore
    keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias <cassandra_node1> -file <cassandra_node1>.cer -keystore .truststore
    . . .
  5. Make sure .keystore is readable only to the Cassandra daemon and not by any user of the system.