
A data type change may require modification of your queries.

Before upgrading, a data type change may require modification of your queries. Pre-1.0 versions cannot be upgraded directly to the latest release. Dead nodes must be removed before upgrading.
  • Modify queries.

    Date strings (and timestamps) are no longer accepted as valid timeuuid values. This change requires modifying queries that use these values. New methods have been added for working with timeuuid values. see Timeuuid functions in CQL data types.

  • Upgrade to 1.0.1 or 1.1.x before upgrading to the latest release.

    DataStax Community 1.2.10 is not network-compatible with versions older than 1.0. If you want to perform a rolling restart, first upgrade the cluster to 1.0.x or 1.1.x, and then to 1.2.10, as described in the Cassandra 1.1 documentation. Data files from Cassandra 0.6 and later are compatible with Cassandra 1.2 and later. If it's practical to shut down cluster instead of performing a rolling restart, you can skip upgrading to an interim release and upgrade from Cassandra 0.6 or later to 1.2.3.

  • Remove dead nodes.

    Do not upgrade if nodes in the cluster are down. The hints schema changed from 1.1 to 1.2.10. Cassandra automatically snapshots and then truncates the hints table as part of starting up 1.2.10 for the first time. Additionally, upgraded nodes will not store new hints destined for older (pre-1.2) nodes. Use the nodetool removetoken command to remove dead nodes.

  • If you decommissioned a node, wait at least 72 hours after decommissioning the node before upgrading.
    Confirm that the node was deleted by running nodetool gossipinfo. If the STATUS line in the output shows
    removed, <token of decommissioned node>
    the decommissioned node has not been deleted. If the STATUS line in the output shows only partition ranges of other nodes, the decommissioned node has been deleted. If the node was not deleted, wait longer or restart the entire cluster.