
Steps to upgrading.

Follow these steps to download and unpack the binary tarball, merge your customizations of the old cassandra.yaml file into the new one, and then complete the upgrade.


  1. Save the cassandra.yaml file from the old installation to a safe place.
  2. On each node, download and unpack the binary tarball package from the downloads section of the Cassandra website.
  3. In the new installation, open the cassandra.yaml for writing.
  4. In the old installation, open the cassandra.yaml.
  5. Diff the new and old cassandra.yaml files.
  6. Merge the diffs, including the partitioner setting, by hand from the old file into the new one.
    Do not use the default partitioner setting in the new cassandra.yaml because it has changed in this release to the Murmur3Partitioner. The Murmur3Partitioner can be used only for new clusters. After data has been added to the cluster, you cannot change the partitioner without reworking tables, which is not practical. Use your old partitioner setting in the new cassandra.yaml file.
  7. Follow steps for completing the upgrade.