Required permissions for Solr Admin UI

Required permissions to view a core using the Solr Admin UI.

When DataStax Enterprise authorization is enabled, access to cores is restricted from the Solr Admin UI. You must grant permissions to roles of Solr Admin UI users for HTTP operations.

For DataStax Enterprise 5.0.8 and later, you must grant users the required permissions to view the Solr Admin UI:
GRANT SELECT ON solr_admin.solr_resources to user;
GRANT SELECT ON search_core to user;
Table Required permissions Operation
solr_admin.solr_resources SELECT Read a resource
solr_admin.solr_resources MODIFY Write a resource
all keyspaces CREATE Create search index if the keyspace doesn't exist (Thrift only)
core keyspace CREATE Create search index if the table doesn't exist (Thrift only)
core table ALTER Create, reload, and unload search index, and stop core reindex
core table SELECT Query core and all remaining admin query operations on core
core table MODIFY Update core
Tip: Permissions are inherited. Granting permissions on a keyspace allows users with that role to access all tables in the keyspace.


To grant permission to read resources:
GRANT SELECT ON solr_admin.solr_resources 
TO role_name;