Update metrics MBean

The update metrics MBean is useful for tuning indexing performance.

The update metrics MBean is identified by the following path: type=search,index=core,name=UpdateMetrics, where core is the Solr core name that the metrics reference.

This MBean records the amount of time spent to execute an index update, split by the following main phases:

Comprising the time spent to convert the Solr document and write it into Cassandra (only available when indexing via the SOlrj HTTP APIs).
Comprising the time spent by the index update task into the index pool.
Comprising the time spent preparing the actual index update.
Comprising the time spent to actually execute the index update on Lucene.

The update metrics MBean can be useful to guide tuning of all factors affecting indexing performance, such as back pressure, indexing threads, RAM buffer size and merge factor.


You can get the following metrics from the Mbean:
The following MBean operations are provided:
  • setEnabled(boolean enabled)

    Enables/disables metrics recording (enabled by default).

  • isEnabled()

    Checks if metrics recording is enabled.

  • getLatencyPercentile(String phase, double percentile)

    Gets a commit latency percentile by its phase.

  • getRecordedLatencyCount(String phase)

    Gets the total count of recorded latency metrics by its phase.

  • getUnrecordedLatencyCount()

    Gets the total count of unrecorded latency values, because exceeding the max tracked latency.

  • resetLatency(String phase)

    Resets latency metrics for the given phase.

  • resetLatencies()

    Resets all latency metrics.

The maximum tracked latency is 10 minutes. Latency values are in microseconds.