Quickstart with RAGStack for TS

This quickstart demonstrates a basic RAG pattern using RAGStack TS and the vector-enabled Astra DB Serverless database to retrieve context and pass it to a language model for generation.


RAGStack TS includes all the standard libraries you need for the RAG pattern, including the vector database, embeddings pipeline, and retrieval.

  1. Create a new project using NPM or Yarn:

    • NPM

    • Yarn

    npm init
    yarn init
  2. Then add the RAGStack package via the CLI:

    • NPM

    • Yarn

    npx @datastax/ragstack-ai install --use-npm
    npx @datastax/ragstack-ai install --use-yarn
  3. Set the AstraDB vector credentials. If you don’t have a vector database, create one at https://astra.datastax.com/.

    export ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT=https://xx.apps.astra.datastax.com

    The Astra DB Serverless application token is associated automatically with the Database Administrator permission. An auth token example: AstraCS:WSnyFUhRxsrg…​).

    Both the endpoint and the token are available in the Astra Portal.

  4. Create an OpenAI key at https://platform.openai.com/ and set it as an environment variable:

    export OPENAI_API_TOKEN=sk-xx

RAG workflow

With your environment set up, you’re ready to create a RAG workflow in Javascript. Create a new file, index.js, and copy the following code:

const { OpenAIEmbeddings, ChatOpenAI } = require("@langchain/openai")
const { AstraDBVectorStore } = require("@langchain/community/vectorstores/astradb")
const { ChatPromptTemplate } = require("@langchain/core/prompts")
const { RunnableSequence, RunnablePassthrough } = require("@langchain/core/runnables")
const { StringOutputParser } = require("@langchain/core/output_parsers")

async function main() {
    // create the embeddings object with the OpenAI API key
    const embeddings = new OpenAIEmbeddings()

    // AstraDB connection parameters
    const astra = {
        token: process.env.ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN,
        endpoint: process.env.ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT,
        collection: "demo",
        collectionOptions: {
            vector: {
                dimension: 1536, /** 1536 for OpenAI embeddings */
                metric: "cosine",

    /** Index some text into the Astra Vector Store */

    const vectorStore = await AstraDBVectorStore.fromTexts(
            "RAGStack is a framework for building RAG applications",
            "RAGStack has first-class support for AstraDB and Cassandra",
        [{source: "documentation"}, {source: "documentation"}],
    /** Now prepare the retrieval  */
    const prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
        ["system", "You're an helpful assistant. Help the user to understand what is RAGStack. Use only information provided in the CONTEXT.\nCONTEXT:\n{context}"],
        ["human", "{question}"],

    const docParser = (docs) => {
        const formatted = docs.map((doc, i) => {
            return `<doc id='${i}'>${doc.pageContent}</doc>`
        return formatted

    const chain = RunnableSequence.from([
            context: vectorStore.asRetriever().pipe(docParser),
            question: new RunnablePassthrough(),
        new ChatOpenAI({}),
        new StringOutputParser()
    /** Finally ask a question about RAGStack to the chatbot */
    const answer = await chain.invoke("What is RAGStack?")
    console.log("Answer:", answer)

After that, you can run the script with Node.js:

node index.js
>Connected to Astra DB collection
>Answer:  RAGStack is a framework for building RAG applications. It also has first-class support for AstraDB and Cassandra.

Upgrade RAGStack version

After you have installed the RAGStack package, you can upgrade it to the latest version using the re-running the cli command:

npx @datastax/ragstack-ai install

or you can upgrade to a specific version:

npx @datastax/ragstack-ai install x.y.z

What’s next?

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