Delete an organization
You can create multiple organizations to manage your resources, billing, and access. When you no longer need an organization, you can delete it. You cannot delete your default organization, which is associated with your email address.
Deleting an organization is permanent and irreversible. |
You must have an Astra account with the Organization Administrator role to delete an organization.
Delete all databases and streaming tenants from the organization you want to delete.
Switch to an organization that you don’t want to delete.
You can’t delete the current organization, and you can’t delete your default (personal) organization. If you have only one organization, you must either add another organization or delete your account to delete that organization.
In the Astra Portal navigation menu, select the current organization name.
Click Manage Organizations.
Select Delete in the menu beside the organization you want to delete.
Enter the name of the organization, and then click Delete to permanently delete your organization.