Build sample apps

Use simple, sample applications to get started with DataStax Astra DB.

A create simple React example
A create simple React example
React.js, JAMStack, REST Todo List

Create a simple React Todo List using just front-end Javascript talking directly to Astra DB REST API.

10 minutes, Beginner

Updated on July 8th, 2020

monosnap reactjs gatsby
A create simple React Gatsby example
React.js, Gatsby.js, GraphQL Starter

Create a React.js, Gatsby application that reads data from Astra DB using GraphQL.

10 minutes, Intermediate

Updated on July 8th, 2020

Image screenshot3 monosnap Spring Cassandra
A create simple Spring Cassandra example
Spring Data Cassandra REST API

Use Spring Data Cassandra and Astra DB to build a REST API for a backend service that interacts with products in orders. 10 minutes, Beginner

Updated on Aug 7th, 2020

Image screenshot4 Next.js + Astra
A create simple Next.js + Astra example
Next.js/Astra DB Starter

Create a React.js, Next.js application that reads data from Astra DB using GraphQL.

10 minutes, Beginner

Updated on Aug 9th, 2020

Image screenshot5 tiktok clone
A create Tik tok example
Tik Tok Clone

A video tutorial showing how to use the Create-React-App, Netlify, and Astra DB’s Document API to create a simple Tik-Tok clone.

50 minutes, Advanced

Updated on Dec 10th, 2020

Image screenshot6 BattleStax
A create BattleStax example

BattleStax is a stateful JAMStack game that is wholesome fun for the entire crew. Deploy a scalable JAMStack app and use CI/CD to manage the application.

50 minutes, Advanced

Updated on Dec 10th, 2020

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