Terminate Astra DB Classic databases

Terminating a database permanently deletes all of its data, including automatic backups. You can’t undo this action.

To terminate a database, you must have the appropriate permissions, such as the Database Administrator role. To programmatically terminate databases, you need an application token with sufficient permissions.

  • Astra Portal


  1. In the Astra Portal navigation menu, click Databases.

  2. Find the database you want to delete, click more_vert More, and then select Terminate.

  3. To initiate the termination process, enter the database’s name, and then click Terminate Database.

You can use the DevOps API and the Astra CLI to delete databases programmatically.

For example, you can use the following curl command to delete a database:

curl -sS -L -X POST "https://api.astra.datastax.com/v2/databases/DB_ID/terminate" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer APPLICATION_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"

A successful request returns 202 Accepted and initiates the termination process.

The database enters Terminating status while deletion occurs. You receive a notification once termination is complete.

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