Upgrade Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra and related resources in Kubernetes
Follow the steps in this topic to upgrade the Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra and related resources in Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra upgrades
To upgrade an existing Cassandra or DSE cluster in Kubernetes from a prior Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra release to v1.7.1, apply the latest Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra YAML manifest.
During the upgrade, Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra preserves previously defined values such as the namespace (example: cass-operator), the resource type (example: cassdc), and the datacenter name (example: dc1), plus other default or customized settings specified in the prior release’s YAML manifest.
To apply the latest Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra YAML manifest – on a local machine where you have already established a connection with a Kubernetes project and cluster – use a kubectl
For example:
kubectl apply -n cass-operator -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k8ssandra/cass-operator/v1.7.1/docs/user/cass-operator-manifests.yaml
Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra returns a summary about the updates.
Sample Output:
namespace/cass-operator unchanged serviceaccount/cass-operator unchanged secret/cass-operator-webhook-config configured customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/cassandradatacenters.cassandra.datastax.com unchanged clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cass-operator-cluster-role configured clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cass-operator unchanged role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cass-operator unchanged rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cass-operator unchanged service/cassandradatacenter-webhook-service unchanged deployment.apps/cass-operator configured validatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io/cassandradatacenter-webhook-registration unchanged
For information about establishing a connection from a local machine to a Kubernetes cluster in order to run |
For information about all three sets of YAML manifest definitions provided by Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra, see Get started with Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra.
Applying the Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra v1.7.1 manifest enables you to update YAML configuration files for newly supported features.
What’s next?
To upgrade Cassandra or DSE cluster settings in Kubernetes, using options such as forceUpgradeRacks
, see this topic.