• Create a calendar table with a collection of type list.

CREATE TABLE calendar (key int PRIMARY KEY, years list<int>);
  • Create an SAI index using the collection’s years column.

CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON calendar(years) USING 'StorageAttachedIndex';
  • Insert some random int list data for years, just for demo purposes.

Notice the INSERT command’s square brackets syntax for list values.

INSERT INTO calendar (key, years) VALUES (0, [1990,1996]);
INSERT INTO calendar (key, years) VALUES (1, [2000,2010]);
INSERT INTO calendar (key, years) VALUES (2, [2001,1990]);
  • Query with CONTAINS example from the list:

  • CQL

  • Result

SELECT * FROM calendar  WHERE years CONTAINS 1990;
 key | years
   0 | [1990, 1996]
   2 | [2001, 1990]
(2 rows)

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