Browsing through Cassandra tables in Hive (deprecated)

If a keyspace and table exists in Cassandra, you can query the keyspace and table in Hive.

Hadoop is deprecated for use with DataStax Enterprise. DSE Hadoop and BYOH (Bring Your Own Hadoop) are deprecated. Hive is also deprecated and will be removed when Hadoop is removed.

If a keyspace and table exists in Cassandra, you can query the keyspace and table in Hive. For example, create a keyspace in Cassandra using cqlsh. Add some data to the table using cqlsh, and then access the data in Hive.

cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE cassandra_keyspace WITH replication =
         {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'Analytics': 1};
cqlsh> USE cassandra_keyspace;
cqlsh:cassandra_keyspace> CREATE TABLE exampletable
                            ( key int PRIMARY KEY , data text );
cqlsh:cassandra_keyspace> INSERT INTO exampletable (key, data )
                            VALUES ( 1, 'This data can be read
                              automatically in hive');
cqlsh:cassandra_keyspace> quit;

At this point, you can start Hive and query the keyspace and table in Hive.

hive> USE cassandra_keyspace;
hive> SELECT * FROM exampletable;
      1 This data can be read automatically in hive