Hive to Cassandra type mapping (deprecated)

In the Hive CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement, use the Hive data type that corresponds to the Cassandra data type.

Hadoop is deprecated for use with DataStax Enterprise. DSE Hadoop and BYOH (Bring Your Own Hadoop) are deprecated. Hive is also deprecated and will be removed when Hadoop is removed.

In the Hive CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement, use the Hive data type that corresponds to the Cassandra data type. The following table maps CQL, Cassandra internal storage engine (used by legacy tables), and Hive data types:
CQL Cassandra Internal Hive
ascii AsciiType string
bigint LongType bigint
boolean BooleanType boolean
counter CounterColumnType bigint
decimal DecimalType decimal
double DoubleType double
float FloatType float
inet InetAddressType binary
int Int32Type int
text UTF8Type string
timestamp TimestampType date
timestamp TimestampType timestamp
timeuuid TimeUUIDType binary
uuid UUIDType binary
varint IntegerType binary
varchar UTF8Type varchar
other other binary

The InetAddressType stores the raw IP address in network byte order.