Exclusive subscriptions in Apache Pulsar™

Subscriptions in Apache Pulsar™ describe which consumers are consuming data from a topic and how they want to consume that data.

An exclusive subscription describes a basic publish-subscribe pattern where a single consumer subscribes to a single topic and consumes from it.

This document explains how to use Pulsar’s exclusive subscription model to manage your topic consumption.


To run this example, you’ll need:

  • Apache Maven

  • Java OpenJDK 11

  • A configured Astra Streaming instance with at least one streaming tenant and one topic. See the Astra Streaming quick start for instructions.

  • A local clone of the DataStax Pulsar Subscription Example repository

  • Modify the src/main/resources/application.properties in the pulsar-subscription-example repo to connect to your Astra Streaming cluster, as below:


Exclusive subscription example

This example uses the pulsarConsumer object in SimplePulsarConsumer.java below.

pulsarConsumer = pulsarClient.newConsumer(Schema.JSON(DemoBean.class))
            + conf.getTenantName() + "/"
            + conf.getNamespace() + "/"
            + conf.getTopicName())

Pulsar creates an exclusive subscription by default when no subscriptionType is declared.

  1. Open the pulsar-subscription-example repo in the IDE of your choice and run SimplePulsarConsumer.java to begin consuming messages.
    The confirmation message and a cursor appear to indicate the consumer is ready.

    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.Configuration - Configuration has been loaded successfully
    [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerImpl - [persistent://<tenant_name>/<namespace>/in][SimplePulsarConsumer] Subscribed to topic on <service_url> -- consumer: 0
  2. In a new terminal window, run SimplePulsarProducer.java to begin producing messages.

    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarProducer - Message 93573631 sent
    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarProducer - Message 16931522 sent
    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarProducer - Message 68306175 sent
  3. The consumer begins consuming the produced messages.

    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarConsumer - Message received: {"show_id":93573631,"cast":"LeBron James, Anthony Davis, Kyrie Irving, Damian Lillard, Klay Thompson...","country":"United States","date_added":"July 16, 2021","description":"NBA superstar LeBron James teams up with Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes for this long-awaited sequel.","director":"Malcolm D. Lee","duration":"120 min","listed_in":"Animation, Adventure, Comedy","rating":"PG","release_year":2021,"title":"Space Jam: A New Legacy","type":"Movie"}
    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarConsumer - Message received: {"show_id":16931522,"cast":"LeBron James, Anthony Davis, Kyrie Irving, Damian Lillard, Klay Thompson...","country":"United States","date_added":"July 16, 2021","description":"NBA superstar LeBron James teams up with Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes for this long-awaited sequel.","director":"Malcolm D. Lee","duration":"120 min","listed_in":"Animation, Adventure, Comedy","rating":"PG","release_year":2021,"title":"Space Jam: A New Legacy","type":"Movie"}
    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarConsumer - Message received: {"show_id":68306175,"cast":"LeBron James, Anthony Davis, Kyrie Irving, Damian Lillard, Klay Thompson...","country":"United States","date_added":"July 16, 2021","description":"NBA superstar LeBron James teams up with Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes for this long-awaited sequel.","director":"Malcolm D. Lee","duration":"120 min","listed_in":"Animation, Adventure, Comedy","rating":"PG","release_year":2021,"title":"Space Jam: A New Legacy","type":"Movie"}
  4. Open a new terminal window and try to run SimplePulsarConsumer.java.

    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.Configuration - Configuration has been loaded successfully
    [main] INFO com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarConsumer - SimplePulsarProducer has been stopped.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot connect to pulsar
    	at com.datastax.pulsar.SimplePulsarConsumer.main(SimplePulsarConsumer.java:53)
    Caused by: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException$ConsumerBusyException: {"errorMsg":"Exclusive consumer is already connected","reqId":2964994443801550457, "remote":"<service_url>", "local":"/"}

The second consumer can’t subscribe to the topic because the subscription is exclusive.

In the example above, the consumer didn’t declare a subscription type, so Pulsar created an exclusive subscription by default.
To explicitly define an exclusive subscription, add .subscriptionType(SubscriptionType.Exclusive) to the consumer.

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