Astra DB (Apache Cassandra® enhanced)
DataStax Astra DB Sink Connector is based on the open-source Apache Cassandra® sink connector for Apache Pulsar™. Depending on how you deploy the connector, it can be used to sink topic messages with a table in Astra DB or a table in a Cassandra cluster outside of DB.
The Astra Streaming portal provides simple way to connect this sink and a table in Astra DB with simply a token. Using pulsar-admin or the REST API, you can configure the sink to connect with a Cassandra connection manually.
This reference assumes you are manually connecting to a Cassandra table.
If you would like to see the code, refer to the open source here. |
Get Started
Set the required variables using any of the methods below.
export TENANT=<replace-me>
export INPUT_TOPIC=<replace-me>
export NAMESPACE=default
export SINK_NAME=astra-db-sink
Pulsar Admin
Sample Config Data
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# NOTE: This is not a working example.
CREATE KEYSPACE ks1 WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};
CREATE TABLE ks1.table1 (name text, PRIMARY KEY (name));
# create topic pulsar-topic-ks1-table1
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks create \
--sink-type cassandra-enhanced \
--name "pulsar-sink-ks1-table1" \
--inputs "persistent://$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/pulsar-topic-ks1-table1" \
--tenant "$TENANT" \
--sink-config '{
"contactPoints": "cassandra",
"loadBalancing.localDc": "datacenter1",
"port": 9042,
"cloud.secureConnectBundle": null,
"ignoreErrors": "None",
"maxConcurrentRequests": 500,
"maxNumberOfRecordsInBatch": 32,
"queryExecutionTimeout": 30,
"connectionPoolLocalSize": 4,
"jmx": true,
"compression": "None",
"auth": {
"provider": "None",
"username": null,
"password": null,
"gssapi": {
"keyTab": null,
"principal": null,
"service": "dse"
"ssl": {
"provider": "None",
"hostnameValidation": true,
"keystore": {
"password": null,
"path": null
"openssl": {
"keyCertChain": null,
"privateKey": null
"truststore": {
"password": null,
"path": null
"cipherSuites": null
"topic": {
"pulsar-topic-ks1-table1": {
"ks1": {
"table1": {
"mapping": "",
"consistencyLevel": "LOCAL_ONE",
"ttl": -1,
"ttlTimeUnit": "SECONDS",
"timestampTimeUnit": "MICROSECONDS",
"nullToUnset": true,
"deletesEnabled": true
"codec": {
"locale": "en_US",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"timestamp": "CQL_TIMESTAMP",
"date": "ISO_LOCAL_DATE",
"time": "ISO_LOCAL_TIME",
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
# NOTE: This is not a working example.
CREATE KEYSPACE ks1 WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};
CREATE TABLE ks1.table1 (name text, PRIMARY KEY (name));
# create topic pulsar-topic-ks1-table1
curl -X POST "$WEB_SERVICE_URL/admin/v3/sinks/$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/$SINK_NAME?opt=poweruser" \
-H "Authorization: $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN" \
-F 'sinkConfig="{
\"inputs\":[ \"'$TENANT'\/'$NAMESPACE'\/'$INPUT_TOPIC'\" ],
"tenant": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"name": "string",
"className": "string",
"sourceSubscriptionName": "string",
"sourceSubscriptionPosition": "Latest",
"inputs": [
"topicToSerdeClassName": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"topicsPattern": "string",
"topicToSchemaType": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"topicToSchemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"inputSpecs": {
"property1": {
"schemaType": "string",
"serdeClassName": "string",
"schemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"consumerProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"receiverQueueSize": 0,
"cryptoConfig": {
"cryptoKeyReaderClassName": "string",
"cryptoKeyReaderConfig": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"encryptionKeys": [
"producerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL",
"consumerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL"
"poolMessages": true,
"regexPattern": true
"property2": {
"schemaType": "string",
"serdeClassName": "string",
"schemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"consumerProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"receiverQueueSize": 0,
"cryptoConfig": {
"cryptoKeyReaderClassName": "string",
"cryptoKeyReaderConfig": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"encryptionKeys": [
"producerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL",
"consumerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL"
"poolMessages": true,
"regexPattern": true
"maxMessageRetries": 0,
"deadLetterTopic": "string",
"configs": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"secrets": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"parallelism": 0,
"processingGuarantees": "ATLEAST_ONCE",
"retainOrdering": true,
"retainKeyOrdering": true,
"resources": {
"cpu": 0,
"ram": 0,
"disk": 0
"autoAck": true,
"timeoutMs": 0,
"negativeAckRedeliveryDelayMs": 0,
"sinkType": "string",
"archive": "string",
"cleanupSubscription": true,
"runtimeFlags": "string",
"customRuntimeOptions": "string",
"transformFunction": "string",
"transformFunctionClassName": "string",
"transformFunctionConfig": "string"
Managing the Connector
Pulsar Admin
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# Start all instances of a connector
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks start \
--namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
--name "$SINK_NAME" \
--tenant "$TENANT"
# optionally add --instance-id to only start an individual instance
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
# Start all instances of a connector curl -sS --fail --location --request POST ''$WEB_SERVICE_URL'/admin/v3/sinks/'$TENANT'/'$NAMESPACE'/'$SINK_NAME'/start' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN" # Start an individual instance of a connector curl -X POST "$WEB_SERVICE_URL/admin/v3/sinks/$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/$SINK_NAME/$SINK_INSTANCEID/start" \ -H "Authorization: $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN"
Pulsar Admin
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# Stop all instances of a connector
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks stop \
--namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
--name "$SINK_NAME" \
--tenant "$TENANT"
# optionally add --instance-id to only stop an individual instance
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
# Stop all instances of a connector curl -sS --fail --request POST ''$WEB_SERVICE_URL'/admin/v3/sinks/'$TENANT'/'$NAMESPACE'/'$SINK_NAME'/stop' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN" # Stop an individual instance of a connector curl -X POST "$WEB_SERVICE_URL/admin/v3/sinks/$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/$SINK_NAME/$SINK_INSTANCEID/stop" \ --H "Authorization: $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN"
Pulsar Admin
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# Restart all instances of a connector
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks restart \
--namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
--name "$SINK_NAME" \
--tenant "$TENANT"
# optionally add --instance-id to only restart an individual instance
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
# Restart all instances of a connector curl -sS --fail --request POST ''$WEB_SERVICE_URL'/admin/v3/sinks/'$TENANT'/'$NAMESPACE'/'$SINK_NAME'/restart' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN" # Restart an individual instance of a connector curl -X POST "$WEB_SERVICE_URL/admin/v3/sinks/$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/$SINK_NAME/$SINK_INSTANCEID/restart" \ -H "Authorization: $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN"
Pulsar Admin
Sample Config Data
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# NOTE: This is not a working example.
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks update \
--sink-type cassandra-enhanced \
--name "pulsar-sink-ks1-table1" \
--inputs "persistent://$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/pulsar-topic-ks1-table1" \
--tenant "$TENANT" \
--sink-config '{
"contactPoints": "cassandra",
"loadBalancing.localDc": "datacenter1",
"port": 9042,
"cloud.secureConnectBundle": null,
"ignoreErrors": "None",
"maxConcurrentRequests": 500,
"maxNumberOfRecordsInBatch": 32,
"queryExecutionTimeout": 30,
"connectionPoolLocalSize": 4,
"jmx": true,
"compression": "None",
"auth": {
"provider": "None",
"username": null,
"password": null,
"gssapi": {
"keyTab": null,
"principal": null,
"service": "dse"
"ssl": {
"provider": "None",
"hostnameValidation": true,
"keystore": {
"password": null,
"path": null
"openssl": {
"keyCertChain": null,
"privateKey": null
"truststore": {
"password": null,
"path": null
"cipherSuites": null
"topic": {
"pulsar-topic-ks1-table1": {
"ks1": {
"table1": {
"mapping": "",
"consistencyLevel": "LOCAL_ONE",
"ttl": -1,
"ttlTimeUnit": "SECONDS",
"timestampTimeUnit": "MICROSECONDS",
"nullToUnset": true,
"deletesEnabled": true
"codec": {
"locale": "en_US",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"timestamp": "CQL_TIMESTAMP",
"date": "ISO_LOCAL_DATE",
"time": "ISO_LOCAL_TIME",
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
curl -X PUT "$WEB_SERVICE_URL/admin/v3/sinks/$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/$SINK_NAME?opt=poweruser" \ -H "Authorization: $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN" \ -F 'sinkConfig="{ \"archive\":\"builtin:\/\/cassandra-enhanced\", \"tenant\":\"'$TENANT'\", \"namespace\":\"'$NAMESPACE'\", \"name\":\"'$SINK_NAME'\", \"inputs\":[ \"'$TENANT'\/'$NAMESPACE'\/'$INPUT_TOPIC'\" ], \"configs\":{ ... } }"'
"tenant": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"name": "string",
"className": "string",
"sourceSubscriptionName": "string",
"sourceSubscriptionPosition": "Latest",
"inputs": [
"topicToSerdeClassName": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"topicsPattern": "string",
"topicToSchemaType": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"topicToSchemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"inputSpecs": {
"property1": {
"schemaType": "string",
"serdeClassName": "string",
"schemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"consumerProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"receiverQueueSize": 0,
"cryptoConfig": {
"cryptoKeyReaderClassName": "string",
"cryptoKeyReaderConfig": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"encryptionKeys": [
"producerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL",
"consumerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL"
"poolMessages": true,
"regexPattern": true
"property2": {
"schemaType": "string",
"serdeClassName": "string",
"schemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"consumerProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"receiverQueueSize": 0,
"cryptoConfig": {
"cryptoKeyReaderClassName": "string",
"cryptoKeyReaderConfig": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"encryptionKeys": [
"producerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL",
"consumerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL"
"poolMessages": true,
"regexPattern": true
"maxMessageRetries": 0,
"deadLetterTopic": "string",
"configs": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"secrets": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"parallelism": 0,
"processingGuarantees": "ATLEAST_ONCE",
"retainOrdering": true,
"retainKeyOrdering": true,
"resources": {
"cpu": 0,
"ram": 0,
"disk": 0
"autoAck": true,
"timeoutMs": 0,
"negativeAckRedeliveryDelayMs": 0,
"sinkType": "string",
"archive": "string",
"cleanupSubscription": true,
"runtimeFlags": "string",
"customRuntimeOptions": "string",
"transformFunction": "string",
"transformFunctionClassName": "string",
"transformFunctionConfig": "string"
Pulsar Admin
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# Delete all instances of a connector
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks delete \
--namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
--name "$SINK_NAME" \
--tenant "$TENANT"
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
# Delete all instances of a connector curl -sS --fail --location --request DELETE ''$WEB_SERVICE_URL'/admin/v3/sinks/'$TENANT'/'$NAMESPACE'/'$SINK_NAME'' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN"
Monitoring the Connector
Pulsar Admin
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# Get information about connector
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks get \
--namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
--name "$SINK_NAME" \
--tenant "$TENANT"
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
curl -sS --fail --location ''$WEB_SERVICE_URL'/admin/v3/sinks/'$TENANT'/'$NAMESPACE'/'$SINK_NAME'' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN"
"tenant": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"name": "string",
"className": "string",
"sourceSubscriptionName": "string",
"sourceSubscriptionPosition": "Latest",
"inputs": [
"topicToSerdeClassName": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"topicsPattern": "string",
"topicToSchemaType": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"topicToSchemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"inputSpecs": {
"property1": {
"schemaType": "string",
"serdeClassName": "string",
"schemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"consumerProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"receiverQueueSize": 0,
"cryptoConfig": {
"cryptoKeyReaderClassName": "string",
"cryptoKeyReaderConfig": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"encryptionKeys": [
"producerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL",
"consumerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL"
"poolMessages": true,
"regexPattern": true
"property2": {
"schemaType": "string",
"serdeClassName": "string",
"schemaProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"consumerProperties": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"receiverQueueSize": 0,
"cryptoConfig": {
"cryptoKeyReaderClassName": "string",
"cryptoKeyReaderConfig": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"encryptionKeys": [
"producerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL",
"consumerCryptoFailureAction": "FAIL"
"poolMessages": true,
"regexPattern": true
"maxMessageRetries": 0,
"deadLetterTopic": "string",
"configs": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"secrets": {
"property1": {},
"property2": {}
"parallelism": 0,
"processingGuarantees": "ATLEAST_ONCE",
"retainOrdering": true,
"retainKeyOrdering": true,
"resources": {
"cpu": 0,
"ram": 0,
"disk": 0
"autoAck": true,
"timeoutMs": 0,
"negativeAckRedeliveryDelayMs": 0,
"sinkType": "string",
"archive": "string",
"cleanupSubscription": true,
"runtimeFlags": "string",
"customRuntimeOptions": "string",
"transformFunction": "string",
"transformFunctionClassName": "string",
"transformFunctionConfig": "string"
Pulsar Admin
Refer to the complete pulsar-admin sinks spec for all available options.
Assuming you have downloaded client.conf to the Pulsar folder:
# Check connector status
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks status \
--instance-id "$SINK_INSTANCEID" \
--namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
--name "$SINK_NAME" \
--tenant "$TENANT"
You need a Pulsar token for REST API authentication. This is different from your Astra DB application tokens.
In the Astra Portal, go to Streaming, click your tenant’s name, and then click the Settings tab.
Click Create Token.
Copy the token, store it securely, and then click Close.
Click the Connect tab, and then copy the Web Service URL.
Create environment variables for your tenant’s token and web service URL:
export WEB_SERVICE_URL=<replace-me> export ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN=<replace-me>
Refer to the complete Pulsar sinks REST API spec for all available options.
# Get the status of all connector instances curl -sS --fail --location ''$WEB_SERVICE_URL'/admin/v3/sinks/'$TENANT'/'$NAMESPACE'/'$SINK_NAME'/status' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN" # Get the status of an individual connector instance curl "$WEB_SERVICE_URL/admin/v3/sinks/$TENANT/$NAMESPACE/$SINK_NAME/$SINK_INSTANCEID/status" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: $ASTRA_STREAMING_TOKEN"
Status response for all connector instances
"numInstances": 0,
"numRunning": 0,
"instances": [
"instanceId": 0,
"status": {
"running": true,
"error": "string",
"numRestarts": 0,
"numReadFromPulsar": 0,
"numSystemExceptions": 0,
"latestSystemExceptions": [
"exceptionString": "string",
"timestampMs": 0
"numSinkExceptions": 0,
"latestSinkExceptions": [
"exceptionString": "string",
"timestampMs": 0
"numWrittenToSink": 0,
"lastReceivedTime": 0,
"workerId": "string"
Status response for individual connector instance
"running": true,
"error": "string",
"numRestarts": 0,
"numReadFromPulsar": 0,
"numSystemExceptions": 0,
"latestSystemExceptions": [
"exceptionString": "string",
"timestampMs": 0
"numSinkExceptions": 0,
"latestSinkExceptions": [
"exceptionString": "string",
"timestampMs": 0
"numWrittenToSink": 0,
"lastReceivedTime": 0,
"workerId": "string"
Astra Streaming exposes Prometheus formatted metrics for every connector. Refer to the scrape metrics with Prometheus page for more detail.
Connector Reference
There are two sets of parameters that support sink connectors.
Pulsar sink connector parameters
Name | Required | Default | Description |
archive |
true |
The connector type, like 'builtin://elastic_search' |
autoAck |
true |
false |
Boolean denotes whether or not the framework will automatically acknowledge messages |
className |
true |
The connector type’s class reference, like '' |
cleanupSubscription |
false |
false |
Boolean denotes whether the subscriptions the functions created/used should be deleted when the functions is deleted |
configs |
false |
{} |
A key/value map of config properties specific to the type of connector. See the reference table below for values. |
customRuntimeOptions |
false |
A string that encodes options to customize the runtime, see Apache Pulsar docs for configured runtime for details |
deadLetterTopic |
false |
Name of the dead topic where the failing messages will be sent |
inputSpecs |
false |
The map of input topics to its consumer configuration, each configuration has schema of {"schemaType": "type-x", "serdeClassName": "name-x", "isRegexPattern": true, "receiverQueueSize": 5} |
inputs |
true |
[] |
The input topic or topics of the Sink (specified as a JSON array) |
maxMessageRetries |
false |
Maximum number of times that a message will be redelivered before being sent to the dead letter queue |
name |
true |
Give your sink a good name for later reference. The name must start with a lowercase alphabetic character. It can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters, and hyphens(kebab-case). |
namespace |
true |
The namespace you’d like the sink created under |
negativeAckRedeliveryDelayMs |
false |
The negative ack message redelivery delay in milliseconds |
parallelism |
true |
1 |
The number of sink instances to run |
processingGuarantees |
true |
The delivery semantics applied to the Pulsar Sink. Values are 'ATLEAST_ONCE', 'ATMOST_ONCE', 'EFFECTIVELY_ONCE' |
resources |
false |
The compute resources that need to be allocated per instance (applicable only to the process)(as a JSON string). Example: {"cpu": 0.25,"disk":1000000000,"ram":500000000} |
retainKeyOrdering |
false |
true |
Sink consumes and processes messages in key order |
retainOrdering |
false |
false |
Boolean denotes whether the Pulsar Sink consumes and processes messages in order |
runtimeFlags |
false |
A string that encodes options to customize the runtime, see Apache Pulsar docs for configured runtime for details |
secrets |
false |
This is a map of secretName(that is how the secret is going to be accessed in the function via context) to an object that encapsulates how the secret is fetched by the underlying secrets provider. The type of an value here can be found by the SecretProviderConfigurator.getSecretObjectType() method |
sourceSubscriptionName |
false |
Pulsar source subscription name if user wants a specific subscription-name for input-topic consumer |
sourceSubscriptionPosition |
false |
Earliest |
The position to begin reading from the source |
tenant |
true |
The tenant you’d like the sink created under |
timeoutMs |
false |
5000 |
Denotes the message timeout in milliseconds |
topicToSchemaProperties |
false |
topicToSchemaType |
false |
The map of input topics to Schema types or class names (specified as a JSON object) |
topicToSerdeClassName |
false |
The map of input topics to SerDe class names (specified as a JSON object) |
topicsPattern |
false |
TopicsPattern to consume from list of topics under a namespace that match the pattern. [input] and [topicsPattern] are mutually exclusive. Add SerDe class name for a pattern in customSerdeInputs (supported for java fun only) |
Cassandra Connection
These values are provided in the Configs area.
The "cloud.secureConnectBundle" can either be a path to your bundle zip or you can base64 encode the zip and provide it in the format: "base64:<b64 string>".
Name | Required | Default | Description |
auth |
true |
{} |
Refer to the auth properties ref |
cloud.secureConnectBundle |
true |
compression |
true |
None |
connectionPoolLocalSize |
true |
4 |
ignoreErrors |
true |
None |
jmx |
true |
true |
maxConcurrentRequests |
true |
500 |
maxNumberOfRecordsInBatch |
true |
32 |
queryExecutionTimeout |
true |
30 |
task.max |
true |
1 |
tasks.max |
true |
1 |
topic |
true |
{} |
Refer to the topic properties ref |
topics |
true |
The topic name to watch |
Auth Properties
These values are provided in the auth area in the above Cassandra connection parameters.
Name | Required | Default | Description |
gssapi |
true |
{"service": "dse"} |
password |
true |
provider |
true |
None |
username |
true |
token |
Topic Properties
These values are provided in the topic area in the above Cassandra connection parameters.
Refer to the official documentation for a connection properties reference.
Mapping topic data to table columns
There are quite a few examples in the "Mapping pulsar topics to database tables" area of the official documentation |
An essential part of using this sink connector is mapping message values to table columns. There are many factors that influence how this done and what is possible. The 'mapping' string is a simple comma-separated list of column names and message value fields.
While the getting started examples above show how to configure the connector in one large command, it is easier to manage this as a separate file. The following example show how to configure the connector using a configuration in json format. The "Pulsar Connector single instance quick start" guide provides a good example of this. Below are the minimum requirements.
Create a file named configs.json using the following structure:
"archive": "builtin://cassandra-enhanced",
"tenant": "<your tenant>",
"namespace": "<your namespace>",
"name": "<a really great name>",
"inputs": ["<your topic name>"],
"configs:": {
"topics": <the topic name (just the name, not the full address)>,
"cloud.secureConnectBundle": </path/to/ OR base64 encode of the zip>,
"topic": {
"<the topic name (usually the same as above)>": {
"<the table keyspace name>": {
"<the table name>": {
"<all the connection properties>",
"mapping": <field-to-column mapping>
Use the pulsar-admin cli to create the connector
./bin/pulsar-admin sinks create \
--name dse-sink-kv \
--classname com.datastax.oss.sink.pulsar.StringCassandraSinkTask \
--sink-config-file configs.json \
--sink-type cassandra-enhanced
To create the value for the mapping parameter you would provide direction how each column value will be filled. An example string is: symbol=value.symbol, ts=value.ts,, industry=value.industry, name=key, value=value.value