Enabling HTTPS

Enable Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) support in OpsCenter and specify SSL information for better security.


The location of the opscenterd.conf file depends on the type of installation:

  • Installer-Services or package installations: /etc/opscenter/opscenterd.conf
  • Installer-No Services or tarball installations: install_location/conf/opscenterd.conf
  • Windows installations: Program Files (x86)\DataStax Community\opscenter\conf\opscenterd.conf
You can enable or disable HTTPS support for OpsCenter. To enable HTTPS, follow the steps below. To disable HTTPS, comment out the SSL entries again.


  1. Open the OpsCenter configuration file, opscenterd.conf.
  2. Scroll to the [webserver] section.

    This snippet from opscenterd.conf shows the [webserver] section to change:

    port = 8888
    interface =
    # The following settings can be used to enable ssl support for the opscenter
    # web application. Change these values to point to the ssl certificate and key
    # that you wish to use for your OpsCenter install, as well as the port you would like
    # to serve ssl traffic from.
    #ssl_keyfile = /var/lib/opscenter/ssl/opscenter.key
    #ssl_certfile = /var/lib/opscenter/ssl/opscenter.pem
    #ssl_port = 8443
  3. Remove the comment markers (#) in front of ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile, and ssl_port.
    Use the default values for ssl_keyfile and ssl_certfile, or replace them with the path to your own private and public certificates.
    If your organization is using certificates signed by a commercial certificate authority like Verisign or Thawte, you must provide the complete certificate chain. In addition to the certificate that you were issued, this includes a root certificate and typically one or more intermediate (or "chained") certificates. Your certificate provider can help you determine the necessary list of certificates. The PEM format allows concatenating multiple certificates together. For certificates with a trust chain, add the whole chain into a single PEM file and specify the location in ssl_certfile. Digicert has more information detailing certificate concatenation in PEM files: https://www.digicert.com/ssl-support/pem-ssl-creation.htm.
  4. Save opscenterd.conf and restart OpsCenter.