OpsCenter 5.2.5 Release Notes

Release notes for the OpsCenter version 5.2.5 release.


  • Improved error handling when LDAP connection issues are encountered during login. (OPSC-5839)
  • Sensitive information is now *REDACTED* from logs rather than excluded completely. (OPSC-6572)
  • Trace logging was added for all opscenterd incoming stomp messages. (OPSC-8664)
  • Fixed an issue where authenticated users would receive a non-descriptive error when logging in a second time. (OPSC-4796)
  • Fixed an issue with writing multiple stomp_interface properties to address.yaml during failover. (OPSC-5048)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented scrolling the cluster navigation list when necessary. (OPSC-5465)
  • Fixed an issue causing browsers to incorrectly autofill some credential fields in the Edit Cluster Connection Settings dialog. (OPSC-5886)
  • Fixed an issue with high CPU usage by agents on some cluster topologies. (OPSC-6045)
  • Fixed an issue causing the startup_sleep property to not be respected. This property controls an optional delay between clusters when opscenterd is starting up to alleviate performance issues. (OPSC-7334)
  • Fixed an issue in tarball installations that excluded opscenter_system_key_tool. (OPSC-7347)
  • Fixed issues with the Backup Service and Best Practice Service that corrupted schedules and expected jobs to fire in the past, which caused those services to run more aggressively than they should. (OPSC-7350)
  • Fixed an issue with the Role list not selecting the correct role when editing a user. (OPSC-7861)
  • Fixed an issue connecting to clusters where the IP used to connect does not match the RPC address returned from the DataStax python driver. (OPSC-8156)
  • Fixed an issue causing opscenterd startup failure on python 2.7.12. (OPSC-9457)
  • Fixed an issue with properly showing disabled Best Practice Service rules. (OPSC-5779)
  • Fixed an issue with the "Security superuser has default setting" Best Practice Service rule that prevented the rule from warning properly. (OPSC-7281)
  • Fixed an issue editing keyspace replication when datacenter names contained hyphens. (OPSC-6137)

Performance Service

  • Fixed some issues with link rendering. (OPSC-5787), (OPSC-7404)
  • Fixed an issue that truncated the titles of some graphs in the Performance Service. (OPSC-5788)
  • Fixed an issue that caused stack overflows in some Performance Service edge cases. Most users would not see the symptoms of this issue. (OPSC-7648)


  • Added validation to start and end timestamps on /new-metrics API call. (OPSC-7666)
  • Values shown on Thread Pool Stats are now color-coded to bring attention to important values. (OPSC-4641)
  • An uncaught exception is now prevented if either or both of the optional parameters (start and end) are omitted when invoking a metric API endpoint. (OPSC-9727)
  • Fixed an issue causing the Activity listing to reset scroll position upon update in the Activities tab. (OPSC-7519)
  • Fixed a display issue with some stack graphs when a subset of rightmost values are null. (OPSC-4916)
  • Fixed an issue causing zoomed Dashboard graphs to not reflect the proper graph parameters in some cases. (OPSC-7478)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Storage Capacity dashboard widget to appear blank. The issue was due to OpsCenter failing to parse mounted filesystems in some environments. (OPSC-8215)
  • Fixed an issue causing agent OOM caused by a leak in the metrics storage queue. (OPSC-8315)
  • Fixed an issue with mini-graph label layouts on the Overview page in Firefox. (OPSC-6024)
  • Fixed UI layout overlap issues when nodes had many tasks running at the same time. (OPSC-5374)

Backup Service

  • Improved connection retry handling when checking if a blob exists in S3. (OPSC-7146)
  • Improved error reporting during restore when sstableloader runs out of memory. (OPSC-7180)
  • Improved retry logic for HTTP 500 failures from S3. (OPSC-9144)
  • Increased default timeout when retrieving information about S3 backup destinations. This timeout now also respects the default_api_timeout config property. (OPSC-6849)
  • Browsing S3 backups to restore now leverages the default_api_timeout setting for environments where the API call takes longer than 60 seconds. (OPSC-8863)
  • Scheduled backups can no longer be created in the past, which prevents accidental unexpected behavior. (OPSC-7421)
  • Provided clear messaging when attempting to back up very large keyspaces that might exceed currently configured limits. (OPSC-7537)
  • Fixed issues when running many backup and restore operations back-to-back. (OPSC-7125)
  • Fixed an issue with lost and found directories causing backups to fail. Only directories for existing tables are scanned. (OPSC-5389)
  • Fixed an issue when restoring to a cluster with client-to-node encryption enabled and a custom keystore path. (OPSC-6692)
  • Fixed error handling when restoring a nonexistent table. (OPSC-7094)
  • Fixed an issue with post-backup scripts causing files to be sent as a JSON blob rather than a file-per-newline. (OPSC-7108)
  • Fixed an issue with some multi-part S3 backups failing when using S3 server-side encryption. (OPSC-7247)
  • Fixed an issue that created some duplicate directories during backups. (OPSC-7655)
  • Fixed an issue when backing up DataStax Enterprise encrypted tables multiple times. (OPSC-7709)
  • Fixed an issue causing the agent config property backup_file_queue_max to not be respected. (OPSC-8734)
  • Fixed log messages that contained AWS API information. (OPSC-8839)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the display of all available backups for some clusters when using the Other Locations tab to restore. (OPSC-9117)
  • Fixed an issue causing some S3 file transfers to incorrectly terminate in the middle of a transfer. (OPSC-9188)