Customize scripts for starting and stopping DataStax Enterprise and Cassandra

OpsCenter allows starting and stopping the DataStax Enterprise/Cassandra process on each node in a visual manner. Customize the startup or shutdown of a node using the provided example scripts.

OpsCenter allows starting and stopping the DataStax Enterprise/Cassandra process on each node in a visual manner. The agent attempts to automatically determine the best way to do this but cannot do so in all cases. You can customize the startup or shutdown of a node using the start-cassandra and stop-cassandra scripts located in /usr/share/datastax-agent/bin (Installer-Services or package installations) or install_location/bin (Installer-No Services or tarball installations).


  1. Rename the example script in /usr/share/datastax-agent/bin (Installer-Services or package installations) or install_location/bin (tarball installs) to remove the .example extension.
    • start-cassandra.example: example startup script
    • stop-cassandra.example: example shutdown script
    $ cd /usr/share/datastax-agent/bin
    $ mv start-cassandra.example start-cassandra
  2. Edit the script to customize the behavior. The script should return an exit code of 0 when successful, and a non-zero value if it fails.
  3. Make the script executable.
    $ chmod 755 start-cassandra