Uninstalling OpsCenter

Instructions to uninstall OpsCenter for all installation methods: standalone, RPM, Debian, or tarball.

Select the uninstall method to follow for your type of OpsCenter installation.

Uninstalling from the OpsCenter standalone installer

Use this method if OpsCenter was installed from the standalone installer on either Linux or Mac OS X (dev only) operating systems.

  1. Go to the OpsCenter installation directory.
  2. Launch the uninstaller:
    • Linux:$ ./uninstall ## Run the uninstaller as root or sudo if needed

    • Mac OS X: Double-click uninstaller.
  3. A dialog prompts you to confirm the type of uninstall:
    • To confirm fully uninstalling the application, click Yes.
    • To uninstall only the OpsCenter application and retain data and config files, click No.

Uninstalling an OpsCenter RPM package

Use this method if OpsCenter was installed using an RPM package.

  1. Stop OpsCenter.
  2. Open a terminal and enter the following command:
    $ sudo yum remove opscenter

Uninstalling an OpsCenter Debian package

Use this method if OpsCenter was installed using a Debian package.

  1. Stop OpsCenter.
  2. Open a terminal and enter the following command:
    $ sudo apt-get purge opscenter

Uninstalling an OpsCenter binary tarball

Use this method if OpsCenter was installed using a tarball.

  1. Stop OpsCenter.
  2. Open a terminal and enter the following command:
    $ rm -rf /path/to/opscenter