Tuple configuration example


  • Tuples

    Tuple columns are added as multiple fields:

    ALTER TABLE solr.wiki ADD fieldname tuple<text,int>;
    ALTER SEARCH INDEX SCHEMA ON solr.wiki ADD fields.field <fieldname>;

    Adds the following to the schema:

    <field indexed="true" multiValued="false" name="fieldname" stored="true" type="TupleField" />
             <field indexed="true" multiValued="false" name="fieldname.field1" stored="true" type="TextField" />
             <field indexed="true" multiValued="false" name="fieldname.field2" stored="true" type="TrieIntField" />

    Adding the leading element fields. in ADD fields.field <fieldname> is optional and provides only cosmetic structure.

    Drops the TupleField and all the child fields when dropping the base field name:

    ALTER SEARCH INDEX SCHEMA ON solr.wiki DROP field fieldname;

    To drop individual child fields:

    ALTER SEARCH INDEX SCHEMA ON solr.wiki DROP field "fieldname.field1";

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