Deploy the ZDM Proxy and monitoring
This topic explains how to use the Ansible automation playbooks that you set up in the prior topic to deploy the ZDM Proxy and its monitoring stack.
Once completed, you will have a working and fully monitored ZDM Proxy deployment.
You must have completed the Ansible setup as described in the prior topic.
No other prerequisites or dependencies are needed. The playbooks will automatically install all the required software packages as part of their operation.
Access the Ansible Control Host Docker container
You can connect to the Ansible Control Host Docker container by opening a shell on it:
docker exec -it zdm-ansible-container bash
You’re now connected to the container, at a prompt such as this:
You can ls
to see the resources in the Ansible Control Host Docker container. The most important resource is the zdm-proxy-automation
Now, cd
into zdm-proxy-automation/ansible
and ls
. Example:

Configure the ZDM Proxy
The ZDM Proxy configuration is composed of five files:
, containing the internal configuration of the proxy container itself. -
, containing all the configuration that allows the proxy to connect to Origin and Target. This is always required. -
, containing important configuration that is commonly used and changed during the migration. -
, containing advanced configuration that may be required in some scenarios but can be usually left to its default values. -
, to configure TLS encryption if desired.
Container configuration
The first step of the proxy container configuration is to open the zdm_proxy_container_config.yml
Configure the desired ZDM Proxy version and create a strategy to inject configuration parameters.
All versions of ZDM Proxy support the ability to provide configuration parameters using environment variables.
Starting with ZDM 2.3.0, you can inject the configuration with the YAML file generated from automation scripts.
Cluster and core configuration
The next step is to edit the zdm_proxy_cluster_config.yml
file in the Docker container.
You’ll want to enter your Cassandra/DSE username, password, and other variables.
In the container shell, cd
to ~/zdm-proxy-automation/ansible/vars
and edit zdm_proxy_cluster_config.yml
The vi
and nano
text editors are available in the container.
Starting in version 2.2.0 of the ZDM Proxy Automation, we added the If you are using an automation version up to and including 2.1.0, please use |
There are two identical sets of variables to configure the ZDM Proxy to connect to the cluster.
One set is for Origin and its variables are prefixed with origin
, while the set of variables for Target uses the target
In the explanation below, *
indicates any of these two prefixes as appropriate.
These two sections are very important and are always required. Populate the appropriate variables in each section for the respective cluster, by uncommenting the variables and specifying their values as follows:
Cluster credentials:
If it is a self-managed cluster,
must be valid credentials for it. Leave blank if authentication is not enabled on the cluster. -
If it is an Astra DB database, authentication is always enabled:
must be the Client ID and*_password
the Client Secret of a valid Astra DB set of credentials with theR/W User
Contact points and port (only relevant for self-managed clusters, leave unset for Astra DB)
*_contact points
: comma-separated list of IP addresses of the cluster’s seed nodes. -
: port on which the cluster listens for client connections. Defaults to 9042.
For Astra DB, choose one of the following options and leave unset the other (leave both unset for self-managed clusters):
If you wish to manually provide the cluster’s Secure Connect Bundle:
Download it from the Astra Portal and place it on the jumphost
Copy it to the container. Open a new shell on the jumphost, run
docker cp <> zdm-ansible-container:/home/ubuntu
Specify its path in
Otherwise, if you wish the automation to download the cluster’s Secure Connect Bundle for you, just specify the two following variables:
: the cluster’s database id. -
: the token value from an Astra DB application token with the *Read/Write User role, prefixed byAstraCS:
Save the file and exit the editor.
Example of a completed zdm_proxy_cluster_config.yml
file for a migration from a self-managed Origin to an Astra DB Target:
## Origin credentials
origin_username: "my_user"
origin_password: "my_password"
## Set the following two parameters only if Origin is a self-managed, non-Astra cluster
origin_contact_points: ",,"
origin_port: 9042
## Target credentials (partially redacted)
target_username: "dqhg...NndY"
target_password: ",9woy0w...9JpAZGt+CCn5"
## Set the following two parameters only if Target is an Astra cluster and you would like the automation to download the Secure Connect Bundle automatically
target_astra_db_id: "d425vx9e-f2...c871k"
target_astra_token: "AstraCS:dUTGnRs...jeiKoIqyw:01...29dfb7"
The other file you need to be aware of is zdm_proxy_core_config.yml
This file contains some global variables that will be used in subsequent steps during the migration.
It is good to familiarize yourself with this file, although these configuration variables do not need changing at this time:
: which cluster is going to be the primary source of truth. This should be left set to its default value ofORIGIN
at the start of the migration, and will be changed toTARGET
after migrating all existing data. -
: leave to its default value ofPRIMARY_ONLY
. See Phase 3: Enable asynchronous dual reads for more information on this variable. -
: leave to its default ofINFO
Leave all these variables to their defaults for now.
Enable TLS encryption (optional)
If you wish to enable TLS encryption between the client application and the ZDM Proxy, or between the ZDM Proxy and one (or both) self-managed clusters, you will need to specify some additional configuration. To do so, please follow the steps on this page.
Advanced configuration (optional)
Here are some additional configuration variables that you may wish to review and change at deployment time in specific cases.
All these variables are located in vars/zdm_proxy_advanced_config.yml
All advanced configuration variables not listed here are considered mutable and can be changed later if needed (changes can be easily applied to existing deployments in a rolling fashion using the relevant Ansible playbook, as explained later, see Change a mutable configuration variable).
Multi-datacenter clusters
If Origin is a multi-datacenter cluster, you will need to specify the name of the datacenter that the ZDM Proxy should consider local. To do this, set the property origin_local_datacenter
to the datacenter name.
Likewise, for multi-datacenter Target clusters you will need to set target_local_datacenter
These two variables are located in vars/zdm_proxy_advanced_config.yml
Note that this is not relevant for multi-region Astra DB databases, where this is handled through region-specific Secure Connect Bundles.
Each ZDM Proxy instance listens on port 9042 by default, like a regular Cassandra cluster.
This can be overridden by setting zdm_proxy_listen_port
to a different value.
This can be useful if the Origin nodes listen on a port that is not 9042 and you want to configure the ZDM Proxy to listen on that same port to avoid changing the port in your client application configuration.
The ZDM Proxy exposes metrics on port 14001 by default.
This port is used by Prometheus to scrape the application-level proxy metrics.
This can be changed by setting metrics_port
to a different value if desired.
Use Ansible to deploy the ZDM Proxy
Now you can run the playbook that you’ve configured above.
From the shell connected to the container, ensure that you are in /home/ubuntu/zdm-proxy-automation/ansible
and run:
ansible-playbook deploy_zdm_proxy.yml -i zdm_ansible_inventory
That’s it! A ZDM Proxy container has been created on each proxy host.
Indications of success on Origin and Target clusters
The playbook will create one ZDM Proxy instance for each proxy host listed in the inventory file. It will indicate the operations that it is performing and print out any errors, or a success confirmation message at the end.
Confirm that the ZDM proxies are up and running by using one of the following options:
Call the
HTTP endpoints for ZDM Proxy instances. -
Check ZDM Proxy instances via docker logs.
Call the liveness
and readiness
HTTP endpoints
ZDM metrics provide /health/liveness
and /health/readiness
HTTP endpoints, which you can call to determine the state of ZDM Proxy instances.
It’s often fine to simply submit the readiness
check to return the proxy’s state.
The format:
http://<zdm proxy private ip>:<metrics port>/health/liveness
http://<zdm proxy private ip>:<metrics port>/health/readiness
Readiness expanded GET format:
curl -G "http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ metrics_port }}/health/readiness"
The default port for metrics collection is 14001
Optionally, you may have overridden this port when you deployed the ZDM Proxy specifying a custom, non-default port that was set by changing the value of the configuration variable metrics_port
See this section for more information.
Readiness example
curl -G ""
Check ZDM Proxy instances via docker logs
After running the playbook, you can ssh
into one of the servers where one of the deployed ZDM Proxy instances is running.
You can do so from within the Ansible container, or directly from the jumphost machine:
ssh <linux user>@<zdm proxy ip address>
Then, use the docker logs
command to view the logs of this ZDM Proxy instance.
ubuntu@ip-172-18-10-111:~$ docker logs zdm-proxy-container
time="2023-01-13T22:21:42Z" level=info msg="Initialized origin control connection. Cluster Name: OriginCluster, Hosts: map[3025c4ad-7d6a-4398-b56e-87d33509581d:Host{addr:,
port: 9042, host_id: 3025c4ad7d6a4398b56e87d33509581d} 7a6293f7-5cc6-4b37-9952-88a4b15d59f8:Host{addr:, port: 9042, host_id: 7a6293f75cc64b37995288a4b15d59f8} 997856cd-0406-45d1-8127-4598508487ed:Host{addr:, port: 9042, host_id: 997856cd040645d181274598508487ed}], Assigned Hosts: [Host{addr:, port: 9042, host_id: 3025c4ad7d6a4398b56e87d33509581d}]."
time="2023-01-13T22:21:42Z" level=info msg="Initialized target control connection. Cluster Name: cndb, Hosts: map[69732713-3945-4cfe-a5ee-0a84c7377eaa:Host{addr:,
port: 9042, host_id: 6973271339454cfea5ee0a84c7377eaa} 6ec35bc3-4ff4-4740-a16c-03496b74f822:Host{addr:, port: 9042, host_id: 6ec35bc34ff44740a16c03496b74f822} 93ded666-501a-4f2c-b77c-179c02a89b5e:Host{addr:, port: 9042, host_id: 93ded666501a4f2cb77c179c02a89b5e}], Assigned Hosts: [Host{addr:, port: 9042, host_id: 93ded666501a4f2cb77c179c02a89b5e}]."
time="2023-01-13T22:21:42Z" level=info msg="Proxy connected and ready to accept queries on"
time="2023-01-13T22:21:42Z" level=info msg="Proxy started. Waiting for SIGINT/SIGTERM to shutdown."
In the logs, the important information to notice is:
time="2023-01-13T22:21:42Z" level=info msg="Proxy connected and ready to accept queries on"
time="2023-01-13T22:21:42Z" level=info msg="Proxy started. Waiting for SIGINT/SIGTERM to shutdown."
Also, you can check the status of the running Docker image. Here’s an example with ZDM Proxy 2.1.0:
ubuntu@ip-172-18-10-111:~$ docker ps
02470bbc1338 datastax/zdm-proxy:2.1.x "/main" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours zdm-proxy-container
If the ZDM Proxy instances fail to start up due to mistakes in the configuration, you can simply rectify the incorrect configuration values and run the deployment playbook again.
With the exception of the Origin and Target credentials and the If you wish to change any of the cluster connection configuration variables (other than credentials and Please note that running the |
Setting up the Monitoring stack
The ZDM Proxy Automation enables you to easily set up a self-contained monitoring stack that is preconfigured to collect metrics from your ZDM Proxy instances and display them in ready-to-use Grafana dashboards.
The monitoring stack is deployed entirely on Docker. It includes the following components, all deployed as Docker containers:
Prometheus node exporter, which runs on each ZDM Proxy host and makes OS- and host-level metrics available to Prometheus.
Prometheus server, to collect metrics from the ZDM Proxy process, its Golang runtime and the Prometheus node exporter.
Grafana, to visualize all these metrics in three preconfigured dashboards (see this section of the troubleshooting tips for details).
After running the playbook described here, you will have a fully configured monitoring stack connected to your ZDM Proxy deployment.
There are no additional prerequisites or dependencies for this playbook to execute. If it is not already present, Docker will automatically be installed by the playbook on your chosen monitoring server. |
Connect to the Ansible Control Host
Make sure you are connected to the Ansible Control Host docker container. As above, you can do so from the jumphost machine by running:
docker exec -it zdm-ansible-container bash
You will see a prompt like:
Configure the Grafana credentials
Edit the file zdm_monitoring_config.yml
, located in zdm-proxy-automation/ansible/vars
: leave unchanged (defaults toadmin
) -
: set to the password of your choice
Run the monitoring playbook
Ensure that you are in /home/ubuntu/zdm-proxy-automation/ansible
and then run the following command:
ansible-playbook deploy_zdm_monitoring.yml -i zdm_ansible_inventory
Check the Grafana dashboard
In a browser, open http://<jumphost_public_ip>:3000
Login with:
username: admin
password: the password you configured
Details about the metrics you can observe are available in this section of the troubleshooting tips. |