Connect with the Java client

Learn how to connect to an Hyper-Converged Database (HCD) database with the astra-db-java client.


Install the Java client

Use Maven or Gradle to install the Java client.

  • Maven

  • Gradle

To install the Java client with Maven:

  1. Install Java 11+ and Maven 3.9+.

  2. Create a pom.xml file in the root of your project.

    <project xmlns=""
      <!-- The Java client -->

To install the Java client with Gradle:

  1. Install Java 11+ and Gradle.

  2. Create a build.gradle file in the root of your project.

    plugins {
        id 'java'
        id 'application'
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.datastax.astra:astra-db-java:1.0.0'
    application {
        mainClassName = 'com.example.Quickstart'

Connect to a vector-enabled Hyper-Converged Database (HCD) database

Create a file named in the ./src/main/java/com/example/ directory of your project.

import com.datastax.astra.client.Collection;
import com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClient;
import com.datastax.astra.client.Database;
import com.datastax.astra.client.admin.DataAPIDatabaseAdmin;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.CollectionOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.CommandOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Document;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.FindOneOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.NamespaceOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.SimilarityMetric;
import com.datastax.astra.internal.auth.UsernamePasswordTokenProvider;

import java.util.Optional;

import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClients.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_LOCAL;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIOptions.DataAPIDestination.HCD;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIOptions.builder;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.model.Filters.eq;

public class QuickStartHCD {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Database Settings
        String cassandraUserName     = "cassandra";
        String cassandraPassword     = "cassandra";
        String dataApiUrl            = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_LOCAL;  // http://localhost:8181
        String databaseEnvironment   = "HCD" // DSE, HCD, or ASTRA
        String keyspaceName          = "ks1";
        String collectionName        = "lyrics";

        // Database settings if you export them as environment variables
        // String cassandraUserName            = System.getenv("DB_USERNAME");
        // String cassandraPassword            = System.getenv("DB_PASSWORD");
        // String dataApiUrl                   = System.getenv("DB_API_ENDPOINT");
        // OpenAI Embeddings
        String openAiProvider        = "openai";
        String openAiKey             = System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"); // Need to export OPENAI_API_KEY
        String openAiModel           = "text-embedding-3-small";
        int openAiEmbeddingDimension = 1536;

        // Build a token in the form of Cassandra:base64(username):base64(password)
        String token = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(cassandraUserName, cassandraPassword).getTokenAsString();
        System.out.println("1/7 - Creating Token: " + token);

        // Initialize the client
        DataAPIClient client = new DataAPIClient(token, builder().withDestination(databaseEnvironment).build());
        System.out.println("2/7 - Connected to Data API");

See also

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