Connect the Java driver to your database
DataStax recommends using the Java client with HCD databases. Use the Java driver only if you are working with an existing application that previously used a CQL-based driver or if you plan to explicitly use CQL. |
Initialize the Java driver to connect to your database.
You have installed a cluster.
You have created a keyspace.
You have installed Java.
HCD APIs use the term keyspace to refer to both namespaces and keyspaces. |
This code imports the necessary classes, sets up a CqlSession with authentication credentials, and specifies a default keyspace.
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSessionBuilder;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.type.codec.TypeCodecs;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class DriverExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Initialize the Java driver
String keyspace = "default_keyspace";
CqlSessionBuilder builder = CqlSession.builder();
try (CqlSession session = {
int v_dimension = 5;
// ...
See the Java quickstart for details on how to add dependencies, connect to an HCD database, create a table and vector-compatible SAI (Storage-Attached Index), load data, and perform a similarity search.