Install Hyper-Converged Database (HCD)

You can install HCD using the Mission Control UI, manually using the CLI, or with Docker to explore standalone container development in a local, non-prod environment. DataStax recommends using Mission Control to manage your clusters in production environments.

Choose a deployment method

Before starting development, you need to deploy an HCD cluster. DataStax offers a variety of ways to set up a cluster. Select the method below that best suits your environment.

Method Description

Mission Control (preferred method)

Mission Control is a cloud-based service that provides a unified management console for your database clusters. If you are planning a production deployment, DataStax recommends using Mission Control to manage your clusters. For installation instructions, see Install and configure Mission Control.

Mission Control is also able to deploy the Data API for a simple JSON document oriented interface to data. For more details on the Data API and how it compares to the CQL interface, see API reference overview.


You can manually run kubectl commands to install HCD. DataStax recommends that you use this installation method only if you have experience with Kubernetes. You can use the Mission Control UI to install HCD without running Kubernetes manually.


You can use Docker to explore non-prod development with HCD in a containerized environment. An image for HCD is available at


  • Mission Control UI

  • CLI

  • Docker standalone container

You need the following:

You need the following:

  • Working knowledge of Kubernetes.

  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster.

  • kubectl installed and configured.

You need the following:

  • Docker must be installed and configured on your machine.

    • The Docker container must have the Java 11 runtime environment and Python 3 installed in the execution environment.

Create and deploy an HCD cluster

  • Mission Control UI

  • CLI

  • Standalone Docker container

To create and deploy an HCD cluster in Mission Control, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the Mission Control UI.

  2. Select a project for your database.

    Select project
  3. Click Create Cluster.

    Create Cluster
  4. For Cluster Name, enter a name for your cluster.

    The Cluster Name can be any string of characters, including international, alphanumeric, punctuation—dashes, spaces, underscores, upper or lower case.

    Cluster names are permanent. You can’t change them after you create the cluster. The name uniquely identifies the cluster across all projects and all environments to prevent a logical cluster from inadvertently joining another.

  5. For Type, select Hyper-Converged Database (HCD).

  6. For Version, enter a valid version number—for example, 1.0.0.

    For a list of available versions, see the HCD Release Notes.

  7. Leave the Image field blank. It is for advanced users.

  8. To define the Datacenter configuration, do the following:

    1. For Datacenter Name, enter a name for the datacenter.

      Datacenter names are permanent. You can’t change them after you create the cluster. The datacenter name:

      • Must start with an alphanumeric character.

      • Must be a single word.

      • Can be any capitalization: upper, lower, or mixed-case.

      • Can include dashes and underscores.

      • Must not include spaces.

    2. Optional: Add the configuration property and its corresponding value in the Add cassandra.yaml Setting sub-section if you require a non-standard Cassandra configuration.

    3. Select the Data Plane Context where you want to deploy the HCD cluster.

      By default, a database cluster will be deployed to the Control Plane. If a Data Plane is deployed on another Kubernetes cluster, you can choose to deploy the database cluster to that context. For more information, see the Planning guide.

    4. For Rack Name, enter a name for the first rack—for example, rack1.

      Rack names are permanent. You can’t change them after you create the cluster. The rack name:

      • Must start with an alphanumeric character.

      • Must be a single word.

      • Can be any capitalization: upper, lower, or mixed-case.

      • Can have dashes and underscores.

      • Must not include spaces.

      Database pods, or HCD nodes, are scheduled using node affinity.

    5. Add the label to the rack configuration to ensure database pods are scheduled on database worker nodes only, not on platform worker nodes.

      • Label:

      • Value: database

        DataStax recommends a minimum of 3 nodes for production clusters to support replication in a datacenter for high availability. With 3 replicas in a datacenter, this configuration can tolerate a failure of one node when using a strong consistency of LOCAL_QUORUM.

        To add another rack, select Add Rack and configure it as you did in the previous steps. Make sure that you add the node affinity label.

    6. For Nodes Per Rack, allocate at least one database node to the rack.

    7. Optional: To create a multi-datacenter cluster, select Add Datacenter and configure it as above.

    8. For Resource Requests, enter the minimum available resources required. DataStax recommends that you allocate the following minimum amounts of memory:

      • 4 GB of RAM for development environments and 8 GB for nodes with Vector Search enabled.

      • 32 GB of RAM to production nodes and 64 GB for nodes with Vector Search enabled.

      • 500 GB of storage for production nodes.

    9. For Storage Amount, enter the storage amount to allocate.

  9. To add Security Settings, do the following:

    1. Select the Require authentication to access cluster option.

    2. For Superuser Name, enter a username.

    3. For Superuser Password, enter a password.

    4. Select the Enable internode encryption option.

      The superuser role is required to provision other roles such as operators and service accounts.

      DataStax recommends that you secure your clusters by enabling authentication and internode encryption, especially for production environments.

  10. To configure Backup/Restore options, do the following:

    1. Optional: Enter a Prefix to use as the name of the top-level folder in the Backup bucket. If you don’t enter a value, HCD uses the cluster name.

    2. Select your Backup Configuration.

  11. Under Advanced Settings, for Heap Amount, enter an amount using the following as a guide:

    System memory Heap

    8 GB

    4 GB

    32 GB

    8-24 GB

    64 GB

    31 GB

  12. Optional: Under Data API, select Deploy the Data API to deploy the Data API.

  13. Select Create Cluster.

  14. Optional: To monitor the status, track the progress of the database pods provisioned by Hyper-Converged Database (HCD):

    kubectl get pods -n mission-control

    The database pods will have names prefixed by the cluster name. Each node will go through a standard bootstrap sequence that will take approximately 2-3 minutes to complete. When the pods are operational and ready to accept client requests, each pod should show as 2/2 containers READY with a STATUS of Running.

  15. Optional: To inspect pods that aren’t ready, run the following command:

    kubectl describe pod -n mission-control POD_NAME

    Replace POD_NAME with the name of your pod.

    Start using HCD

See Vector in action using your very own HCD database in Vector Quickstart with Data API or with CQL!

To deploy an HCD cluster, do the following:

  1. On a local machine create a manifest file named hcd1.0cluster.yaml to describe the cluster topology.

  2. Copy the following code into the file:

    kind: MissionControlCluster
      name: hcd
          enabled: true
        auth: true
          serverVersion: 1.0.0
          serverType: hcd
              storageClassName: default
                - ReadWriteOnce
                  storage: 1024Gi
              dynamic_snitch: false
                internode_encryption: all
              heapSize: 31Gi
              cpu: "32"
              memory: 128Gi
              cpu: "28"
              memory: 128Gi
            - metadata:
                name: dc1
              datacenterName: dc1
              stopped: false
              size: 3
                - name: rack1
                - name: rack2
                - name: rack3
  3. Change the storageClassName to a preferred value, matching the ones available in the installation, or leave the default value. To determine which storage classes are available in the environment, run:

    kubectl get sc
  4. Optional: Append the hostNetwork section at the same level as the config section in the hcd1.0cluster.yaml file if you use VMs with Mission Control embedded Kubernetes runtime:

        hostNetwork: true

    This makes the deployed services directly available on the network.

  5. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f hcd10cluster.yaml

    Check that the pods representing the nodes appear:

    $ kubectl get pods -n mission-control
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cass-operator-controller-manager-6487b8fb6c-xkjjx     1/1     Running   0          41m
    k8ssandra-operator-55b44544d6-n8gs8                   1/1     Running   0          41m
    mission-control-controller-manager-54c64975cd-nvcm7   1/1     Running   0          41m
    test-dc1-default-sts-0                                0/2     Pending   0          7s
    test-dc1-default-sts-1                                0/2     Pending   0          7s
    test-dc1-default-sts-2                                0/2     Pending   0          7s

    Each node must go through the standard bootstrapping process, which takes approximately 2-3 minutes. Upon completion, the nodes should display 2/2 under READY and Running under STATUS:

    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cass-operator-controller-manager-6487b8fb6c-xkjjx     1/1     Running   0          50m
    k8ssandra-operator-55b44544d6-n8gs8                   1/1     Running   0          50m
    mission-control-controller-manager-54c64975cd-nvcm7   1/1     Running   0          50m
    test-dc1-default-sts-0                                2/2     Running   0          9m6s
    test-dc1-default-sts-1                                2/2     Running   0          9m6s
    test-dc1-default-sts-2                                2/2     Running   0          9m6s

    If any pods list their STATUS as Pending, there might be resource availability issues. Run the following command to check the pod status:

    kubectl describe pod POD_NAME

    Replace POD_NAME with the name of your pod.

    The HCD cluster is operational when all of the nodes indicate 2/2 under READY and Running under STATUS.

    Now that HCD is up and running, connect to the cluster using the previously downloaded cqlsh binary with Vector index support. Mission Control is secured by default and generates a unique superuser after disabling the default cassandra account.

  6. Discover the username of this generated superuser by accessing the <cluster-name>-superuser secret in the Kubernetes cluster in the mission-control namespace. Run the following command:

    $ kubectl get secret/test-superuser -n mission-control -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 -d; echo
  7. Read the username’s password:

    $ kubectl get secret/test-superuser -n mission-control -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d; echo

    Sample result

  • Embedded Kubernetes cluster

  • External Kubernetes cluster

Because host networking is enabled, connect to any of the nodes through its Internet Protocol (IP) address or hostname using cqlsh with the correct Superuser credentials. Port 9042 must be accessible from cqlsh:

$ cqlsh --username test-superuser --password SUPERUSER_PASSWORD ip-175-32-24-217

Replace SUPERUSER_PASSWORD with the password of the superuser.

Connected to test at ip-175-32-24-217:9042
[cqlsh 6.0.0 | Cassandra 4.0.7-c556d537c707 | CQL spec 3.4.5 | Native protocol v5]
Use HELP for help.
  1. Port forward the service that exposes the cluster’s CQL port:

    kubectl port-forward svc/test-dc1-service 9042:9042 -n mission-control
  2. Connect using cqlsh pointing at localhost:

    $ cqlsh --username test-superuser --password `**SUPERUSER_PASSWORD**`

    Replace SUPERUSER_PASSWORD with the password of the superuser.

    Connected to test at
    [cqlsh 6.0.0 | Cassandra 4.0.7-c556d537c707 | CQL spec 3.4.5 | Native protocol v5]
    Use HELP for help.

Follow the steps below to configure HCD in a Docker container on your local machine. Any user on Linux or MacOS can execute the installation within the container.

You can run HCD using a docker run command or with the Data API using a docker-compose command. Additionally, you can install the Data API using Docker Compose or utilize cqlsh to execute CQL queries.

Start HCD on a standalone container:

docker run -e DS_LICENSE=accept -p 9042:9042 \

The -p option of the docker run command ensures that the cqlsh port is exported and available from outside the container. The database is up and running when the following message is visible in the output:

INFO  [main] 2023-07-20 07:53:28,954 - 
Starting listening for CQL clients on / (unencrypted)...

You can now establish a connection to HCD using the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) shell cqlsh.

A docker-compose file is available to run HCD with the Data API. See the Data API github repository for more information.

Next steps

Start using HCD with Vector. Access HCD 1.0 through either a Mission Control deployment or a standalone container, and start using the new vector indexes by following the vector search quickstart.

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