Administer projects

Mission Control organizes clusters by projects. A project is a logical grouping of clusters. For example, you might have a project for each environment (dev, test, prod), or for each team (team1, team2, team3).

Administrators with the correct permissions can easily control the lifecycle of nodes, datacenters, and underlying hardware.

Perform database operations using the Mission Control User Interface (UI)

Mission Control provides a UI through the IP address of any node using port 30880 on the Control-Plane cluster. For example, issue from a web browser, where is the qualifying node’s IP address.

Create a new project

The first item in the sidebar gives you access to the list of projects. Click on Projects → to display the list of existing projects. In that list click on + New Project to create a new project:

Project list

Enter a name for the project in the New project dialog, and then click Create Project. Mission Control generates a unique identifier called the Project Slug. The new project is created. Access it by selecting its name in the Projects → list.

Perform database operations using a Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Kubernetes kubectl command-line tool, v1.22 or later, enables you to run commands programmatically against Kubernetes (K8s) clusters through the K8s API server.

Create a new project

Projects are special namespaces that have two additional fields:

  • A label set to true

  • A annotation set to the project name

The project slug is used as the name for the namespace and generated by Mission Control when a project is created. Here is an example of a project definition:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: <project-slug>
  labels: "true"
  annotations: "<`MY_PROJECT`>"

After saving this manifest to a file (example, <`MY_PROJECT>.yaml`), you can create the project with the following command:

kubectl apply -f <`MY_PROJECT`>yaml

Deleting a project

Deleting a project is as simple as deleting the namespace:

kubectl delete namespace <`MY_PROJECT`>

Modify a project name

The project name is stored in the annotation. You can modify it with the following command:

kubectl annotate namespace <`MY_PROJECT`><`NEW_PROJECT_NAME`>  --overwrite




The namespace of the chosen project


The new project name

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