Mission Control server runtime installer

When installing onto bare-metal or VM infrastructure, you must first run the Mission Control Runtime installer to create and configure Kubernetes where you are installing Mission Control. The runtime installer sets up the prerequisite services and then installs Mission Control components. Runtime installer accomodates online and offline (airgap) modes.

Installation of Mission Control with the embedded runtime requires minimal tasks on each host. The tasks vary depending on the role of the host.

Mission Control must be installed on a dedicated virtual machine (VM) or a bare-metal server that can be cloud-based or on-premises.

Primary nodes

The top level of a regional installation contains Primary nodes that assign workloads to Secondary nodes, maintain the declarative desired state of the installations, and perform health checks of running services.

Secondary nodes

Run the various workloads of Mission Control. These nodes are further defined by their workload, with each node having its own resource requirements. You can opt to run all of the same hardware for each of the installed Secondary nodes or label each instance with its respective workload type. The following diagram highlights where each component exists within the cluster.

You must label all Secondary nodes as they join the environment. The label and command are provided during the appropriate installation step.

Runtime topology nodes

When using a public cloud load balancer, see Kurl Public Cloud Load Balancer documentation for configuration best practices and common issues.

Choose one of the following two modes to install the core runtime for Mission Control:


into an environment where internet access is available to the hosts.


into an environment that does not allow access to the internet. This is also known as an airgap install.

  • Online install

  • Offline (airgap) install


  • All planned servers are running and available.

  • Operating system is installed and hosts comply with Kurl System Requirements.

  • Outbound connectivity to the internet.

  • Load balancer online and forwarding TCP traffic on:

    • port 6443 to Primary nodes.

    • port 30880 to Secondary nodes.

Primary nodes:

Mission Control uses Kubernetes runtime with its concept of Primary and Secondary nodes. First bring Primary nodes online, and after all become available, then Secondary nodes join.

  1. Install on first Primary node by downloading and running the following installation script (with substitutions) on the first Primary node.

    curl -sSL https://kurl.sh/mission-control | sudo bash -s ha load-balancer-address=<`PRIMARY_NODES_LB`>:6443




    The IP address or DNS name of the load balancer directing traffic to the Primary nodes.

    The installer asks a number of questions based on the host’s specific hardware and existing configuration.

    Sample results from which you will copy unique JOIN commands and KOTS values:

    		  Complete ✔
    Kotsadm: <`KOTSADM_URL`>
    Login with password (will not be shown again): <`KOTSADM_PASSWORD`>
    This password has been set for you by default. It is recommended that you change
    this password; this can be done with the following command:
    To access the cluster with kubectl:
        bash -l
    Kurl uses /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf, you might want to copy kubeconfig to your
    home directory:
        cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config
        chown -R root ~/.kube
        echo unset KUBECONFIG >> ~/.bash_profile
        bash -l
    You will likely need to use sudo to copy and chown /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf.
    Master node join commands expire after two hours, and worker node join commands
    expire after 24 hours.
    To generate new node join commands, run <`KURL_JOIN_COMMAND_GENERATOR`> on an
    existing master node.
    To add worker nodes to this installation, run the following script on your
    other nodes:
    To add MASTER nodes to this installation, run the following script on your
    other nodes:




    the URL for accessing the KOTS admin interface


    a randomly generated password for the KOTS admin interface


    command for manually setting the KOTS admin interface password




    command to have Secondary nodes join the Primary nodes

    An example join command:

    curl -fsSL https://kurl.sh/version/v2023.01.13-1/95569f3/join.sh | sudo bash -s kubernetes-master-address= kubeadm-token=pjxtic.8jrj88214t1tcyfq kubeadm-token-ca-hash=sha256:7f3374d6e8f1971d33c6a9edb16bac5bc6e2c98d2f7f6fa4209a8178b749d462 kubernetes-version=1.19.16 docker-registry-ip= primary-host= labels=mission-control.datastax.com/role=database

    Note: Append either labels=mission-control.datastax.com/role=platform or labels=mission-control.datastax.com/role=database label to the node join command for each Secondary node.


    command to be run on the additional Primary nodes

  2. Validation.

    After the installer completes, validate that the first Primary node is up and running with:

    kubectl get nodes

    Sample results should be similar to:

    NAME             STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    kurl-primary-1   Ready    control-plane,master   14m   v1.26.13

    If your results do not include a single Primary node then please open a DataStax support ticket.

  3. Install on remaining Primary nodes.

    After the first Primary node is online run the <`KURL_PRIMARY_JOIN_COMMAND`> on the remaining Primary nodes.

    This command is unique to your installation. Retrieve the unique command with its substituted value from the results in Primary nodes Step 1, looking for the following line:

    # To add MASTER nodes to this installation, run the following script on your other nodes:

    Each node will join the existing nodes to form a set of highly-available core cluster services.

  4. Validation.

    After the installation process is complete on all Primary nodes, validate that they are all online and available:

    kubectl get nodes

    Sample results with a record displayed for each Primary node:

    NAME             STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    kurl-primary-1   Ready    control-plane,master   21m     v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5m35s   v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-3   Ready    control-plane,master   115s    v1.26.13
  5. Taint Primary nodes.

    Now that all Primary nodes are online, taint these instances to prevent them receiving any additional workloads. Given the importance of their role in the environment they must be dedicated to the distribution of tasks across the cluster.

    curl -L https://k8s.kurl.sh/latest/tasks.sh | sudo bash -s taint_primaries

Secondary Nodes

All other hosts within a regional environment are considered Secondary nodes. These nodes include management, observability, and database instances. Each node communicates with the previously installed Primary nodes to receive their appropriate workload and configuration information.

  1. Install on the Secondary nodes. Run the <`KURL_SECONDARY_JOIN_COMMAND`> command on each Secondary node.

    This command is unique to your installation. Retrieve the unique command with its substituted value from the results in Primary nodes Step 1, looking for the following line:

    # To add worker nodes to this installation, run the following script on your other nodes:

    Append either labels=mission-control.datastax.com/role=platform or labels=mission-control.datastax.com/role=database label to the node join command. Each of these nodes will join the Primary nodes to form the core environment where all of the Mission Control components are installed. Secondary nodes are categorized based on their workloads (platform or database).

  2. Validation.

    After each Secondary node is brought online, validate it has joined the cluster with:

    kubectl get nodes

    There should be a record displayed for each Primary node. See the example below

    NAME                  STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    kurl-primary-1        Ready    control-plane,master   49m     v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-2        Ready    control-plane,master   33m     v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-3        Ready    control-plane,master   29m     v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-56gv   Ready    <none>                 9m9s    v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-86n9   Ready    <none>                 9m10s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-b5vt   Ready    <none>                 8m24s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-bg7b   Ready    <none>                 8m12s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-cm55   Ready    <none>                 7m34s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-czmh   Ready    <none>                 7m14s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-dn8j   Ready    <none>                 7m9s    v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-snf0   Ready    <none>                 7m13s   v1.26.13

What’s next

With all nodes online and the core runtime up and available you can continue with installing Mission Control. Open your web browser to the <`KOTSADM_URL`> returned in the results from Primary nodes Step 1. Log in with the <`KOTSADM_PASSWORD`> to continue with:


  • All planned servers are running and available.

  • Operating system is installed and hosts comply with Kurl System Requirements.

  • Load balancer online and forwarding TCP traffic on:

    • port 6443 to Primary nodes.

    • port 30880 to Secondary nodes.

  • Download the Kurl Airgap installer - mission-control.tar.gz

Primary nodes:

Mission Control uses Kubernetes runtime with its concept of Primary and Secondary nodes. First bring Primary nodes online, and after all become available, then Secondary nodes join.

  1. Upload the Kurl Installer.

    To begin the installation process, copy the Kurl Installer (with substitutions) to each of the nodes and extract it:

    scp mission-control.tar.gz <`SSH_USERNAME`>@<`HOST_IP`>:/home/<`SSH_USERNAME`>/
    ssh <`SSH_USERNAME`>@<`HOST_IP`>
    mkdir mission-control
    tar xvzpf mission-control.tar.gz --directory mission-control
    cd mission-control




    Username used to connect to the remote server via SSH.


    IP address of the host.

  2. Install on first Primary node by downloading and running the following installation script (with substitutions) on the first Primary node.

    cat install.sh | sudo bash -s airgap ha load-balancer-address=<`PRIMARY_NODES_LB`>:6443




    The IP address or DNS name of the load balancer directing traffic to the Primary nodes.

    The installer asks a number of questions based on the host’s specific hardware and existing configuration.

    Sample results from which you will copy unique JOIN commands and KOTS values:

    		  Complete ✔
    Kotsadm: <`KOTSADM_URL`>
    Login with password (will not be shown again): <`KOTSADM_PASSWORD`>
    This password has been set for you by default. It is recommended that you change
    this password; this can be done with the following command:
    To access the cluster with kubectl:
        bash -l
    Kurl uses /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf, you might want to unset KUBECONFIG to
    use .kube/config:
        echo unset KUBECONFIG >> ~/.bash_profile
    Master node join commands expire after two hours, and worker node join commands
    expire after 24 hours.
    To generate new node join commands, run <`KURL_JOIN_COMMAND_GENERATOR`> on an
    existing master node.
    To add worker nodes to this installation, copy and unpack this bundle on your
    other nodes, and run the following:
    To add MASTER nodes to this installation, copy and unpack this bundle on your
    other nodes, and run the following:




    the URL for accessing the KOTS admin interface


    a randomly generated password for the KOTS admin interface


    command for manually setting the KOTS admin interface password




    command to have Secondary nodes join the Primary nodes


    command to be run on the additional Primary nodes

  3. Validation.

    After the installer completes, validate that the first Primary node is up and running with:

    kubectl get nodes

    Sample results should be similar to:

    NAME             STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    kurl-primary-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5m3s   v1.26.13

    If your results do not include a single Primary node then please open a DataStax support ticket.

  4. Install on remaining Primary nodes.

    After the first Primary node is online run the <`KURL_PRIMARY_JOIN_COMMAND`> on the remaining Primary nodes.

    This command is unique to your installation. Retrieve the unique command with its substituted value from the results in Step 2, looking for the following line:

    # To add MASTER nodes to this installation, run the following script on your other nodes:

    Each node will join the existing nodes to form a set of highly-available core cluster services.

  5. Validation.

    After the installation process is complete on all Primary nodes, validate that they are all online and available:

    kubectl get nodes

    Sample results with a record displayed for each Primary node:

    NAME             STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    kurl-primary-1   Ready    control-plane,master   23m     v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-2   Ready    control-plane,master   81s     v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-3   Ready    control-plane,master   25s     v1.26.13
  6. Taint Primary nodes.

    Now that all Primary nodes are online, taint these instances to prevent them receiving any additional workloads. Given the importance of their role in the environment they must be dedicated to the distribution of tasks across the cluster.

    cat tasks.sh | sudo bash -s taint_primaries

Secondary Nodes

All other hosts within a regional environment are considered Secondary nodes. These nodes include management, observability, and database instances. Each of these nodes communicates with the previously installed Primary nodes to receive their appropriate workload and configuration information.

  1. Install on the Secondary nodes. Run the <`KURL_SECONDARY_JOIN_COMMAND`> command on each Secondary node.

    This command is unique to your installation. Retrieve the unique command with its substituted value from the results in Primary nodes Step 2, looking for the following line:

    # To add worker nodes to this installation, run the following script on your other nodes:

    Append either labels=mission-control.datastax.com/role=platform or labels=mission-control.datastax.com/role=database label to the node join command. Each of these nodes will join the Primary nodes to form the core environment where all of the Mission Control components are installed. Secondary nodes are categorized based on their workloads (platform or database).

  2. Validation.

    After each Secondary node is brought online, validate it has joined the cluster with:

    kubectl get nodes

    There should be a record displayed for each Primary node:

    NAME                  STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    kurl-primary-1        Ready    control-plane,master   49m     v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-2        Ready    control-plane,master   33m     v1.26.13
    kurl-primary-3        Ready    control-plane,master   29m     v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-4k2b   Ready    <none>                 12m     v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-51t2   Ready    <none>                 6m30s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-ff08   Ready    <none>                 5m28s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-km8z   Ready    <none>                 4m57s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-lg7c   Ready    <none>                 3m40s   v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-lwfp   Ready    <none>                 3m6s    v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-tbpl   Ready    <none>                 88s     v1.26.13
    kurl-secondary-z8cx   Ready    <none>                 27s     v1.26.13

What’s next

With all nodes online and the core runtime up and available you can continue with installing Mission Control. Open your web browser to the <`KOTSADM_URL`> returned in the results from Primary nodes Step 2. Log in with the <`KOTSADM_PASSWORD`> to continue with:

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