Kubernetes storage classes
Volumes are added to pods and provide storage for containers in the pod. There are many different volume types in Kubernetes, providing both durable and non-durable storage.
Persistent Volumes (PVs) provide durable storage.
For instance, the contents under /var/lib/cassandra
are stored in a PV. Depending on the environment, a PV is either dynamically or statically provisioned.
It has a lifecycle that is independent of the pod(s) which use it.
That means that while a pod that uses a PV may be terminated, the PV remains intact.
Kubernetes (k8s) provides a storage mechanism that administrators use to dynamically provision Persistent Volumes (PVs) in a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster.
After one or more classes of storage are defined, pods can then dynamically request the specific type of storage that they require.
Storage class
Cloud vendors provide different types of storage with varying performance characteristics and varying costs.
StorageClasses are the way to specify the type of PersistentVolume that is needed.
The sample MissionControlCluster YAML file specifies premium-rwo
Check the documentation of your cloud provider for details on the StorageClasses that they provide.
In the MissionControlCluster YAML file, the storageClassName
field must specify a storage class set up with volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
If the StorageClass
has reclaimPolicy: Delete
then the PVs are deleted when the PVCs are deleted.
When a cluster is deleted the associated PVCs are deleted as well. Without this parameter the deletion would cascade to the Persistent Volumes.
The following example uses the premium-rwo
storage class and also retains PVs after the cluster is deleted.
to a file with this command:kubectl get storageclass premium-rwo -o yaml > storageclass.yaml
Then modify the contents as follows:
allowVolumeExpansion: true apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: annotations: components.gke.io/component-name: pdcsi components.gke.io/component-version: 0.11.8 components.gke.io/layer: addon labels: addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode: EnsureExists k8s-app: gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver name: premium-rwo-retain parameters: type: pd-ssd provisioner: pd.csi.storage.gke.io reclaimPolicy: Retain volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
Mission Control requires a StorageClass setting of
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
.Failure to set this may bind a volume on a node where the pod may not be scheduled, resulting in a deadlock or a stuck Pending pod status.
With this file defined we can now submit it to the cluster with
:kubectl apply -f storageclass.yaml
When you create a
object use the new storage class,premium-rwo-retain
in thestorageConfig
section:storageConfig: cassandraDataVolumeClaimSpec: storageClassName: premium-rwo-retain accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi
This specification indicates that when the
is deleted, the PVs remain intact.
PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)
A PVC is a request for storage.
It specifies the minimal size criteria for the storage.
In the following sample MissionControlCluster
YAML file, the storage:
request size is 10 gigabytes (10Gi):
storageClassName: premium-rwo
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi