Terminate a cluster

The Mission Control operators manage or reconcile DataStax Enterprise (DSE) and DataStax Enterprise (DSE) clusters. Terminating a cluster is a straightforward and simple task.


Terminate a DSE cluster

Terminate a DSE cluster with the kubectl delete missioncontrolcluster cluster-name command. This command deletes the associated MissionControlCluster object and Mission Control automatically handle cleanup of associated resources across Data Planes.

In the case where multiple data plane clusters have DSE nodes that cannot communicate with each other, the deletion operation continues. However, in the case where the Control Plane is not communicating with the Data Plane, Mission Control is not able to communicate with the Kubernetes API server in the Data Plane cluster, and the deletion operation is halted.

Terminate with a MissionControlCluster Custom Resource

kubectl delete -f my-cluster.dsecluster.yaml

Terminate with a Given Cluster Name

kubectl delete dsecluster my-cluster

To retain the Persistent Volume (PV) after the MissionControlCluster is deleted, use a StorageClass whose reclaimPolicy is set to Retain.

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