Insert simple data
In a production database, inserting columns and column values programmatically is more practical than using cqlsh
, but often, testing queries using this SQL-like shell is very convenient for development.
Insertion, update, and deletion operations on rows sharing the same partition key for a table are performed atomically and in isolation.
To insert simple record into the table cycling.cyclist_name, use the
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_name
(id, lastname, firstname)
VALUES (5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2, 'VOS','Marianne');
You can insert complex string constants using double dollar signs to enclose a string with quotes, backslashes, or other characters that would normally need to be escaped.
INSERT INTO cycling.calendar (race_id, race_start_date, race_end_date, race_name) VALUES (201, '2015-02-18', '2015-02-22', $$Women's Tour of New Zealand$$);