Managing search index fields
Add, remove, and change indexing definitions for table columns in the search index schema.
- Syntax for changing schema settings
Describes the syntax used to change schema settings.
- Understanding schema field types
Reference of CQL data type to Solr field type mappings and compatibility between them.
- Adding a new field type
Add the Solr field type definitions to the search index schema, and then use the new type.
- Adding a column to the index
Add a table column to the index.
- Indexing tuples and UDTs fields
Add CQL tuple and user-defined type (UDT) columns to an existing search index.
- Indexing map columns
Dynamically index CQL map columns or manually set the Solr field type for key.
- Dropping columns from the index
Remove a CQL column from the index.
- Indexing a column for different analysis
Index a CQL column using different Solr analysis chains to query the same column in different ways or combine multiple columns.